
Help!!! Implantation bleeding??

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I need some help.

My husband and I are trying to start a family. My cycles are usually like clockwork, so this is throwing me for a loop. On August 3rd, I got my period on time, but I only had two days of normal flow, then faint spotting. Normally I have 4-5 days of a period. Thee rest of the cycle, including ovulation proceeded as normal. August 26th I got what I believed to be a faint positive HPT, though it may have been an evap (it was an internet strip). August 28th, 4 days before my period was due, I had one day of what I thought to be an early period. However, the cramps were so uncomfortable, and I was concerned about the HPT, so I went to the doctor. The doctor said I might have been having an early miscarriage. The doctor only did a urine test on the 28th and a brief pelvic. Since my period is not due until August 31st/September 1st, I am wondering how accurate that was. The thing is, I only had that one day of flow on the 28th- ithas ceased to faint spotting again, So either I had my period for one day, or something is not normal here. I just tested again this afternoon (August 30) and the hpt was negative. The only thing that I have done differently, was taking the herb vitex, which is supposed to help maintain cycle regularity. I honestly have no idea what is going on, and even my doctor is stumped.

Is it possible that the one day of flow was implantation bleeding?? Any thoughts?




  1. Sounds to me like your period is out of wack. have you had any pregnancy symptoms? If it was implantation bleeding, wouldnt you be having at least some pregnancy symptoms? Maybe you just had a bad period PLUS that herb thing you took. If you were pregnant, i'm sure the test wouldve showed positive. It's funny because the same thing happened to me, but my periods can be out of wack at times, however i know my body and ive been pregnant before. so, i think if i was pregnant i wouldve known. Anyways, it dosent sound like implantation bleeding. good luck..keep trying...

  2. well if you want a baby, i hope you are.  I want one too. good luck

  3. It's not possible to get a positive test result prior to implantation, so I think you can disregard the first test result.  The spotting since that time could possibly be implantation bleeding but it would still take a week or two for the HCG levels to be high enough to show positive on a test.  Wait another week or so, then test again.  

  4. I would suggest that if by Sept 3 you have no news. Go and see your doctor and ask him for a blood pregnancy test. That way you will be on the safe side, remember that urine tests don't always show  the human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone,) hCG.

    A quantitative blood test (or the beta hCG test) measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood and can find even tiny tiny amounts of hCG, so this test is very accurate.Just remember that failing is when you stop trying, so whatever happens keep your spirit up high!Good luck and tons of Baby Dust!!!!  

  5. i would wait a week and then retest you could of had a false negative  

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