
Help - Is This for Real?

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I've just been introducted to Dream Success Internation, Inc

It stands for Debt Reduction & Equities Acceleration Multiplex.

It's a program designed to pay off debt (car payments, student loans, credit card debt, and even your mortgage) in 5years or less.

It's not a Money Merge Account. It doesn't require income verification, credit checks, refinancing or anything like that.

Do you know DREAM?


Would you watch the presentation and give me your honest opinion of this program? find it at

under business tools - client presentation and then business presentation.

Please don't answer unless you know - not just have an idea what this might be. thank you.

I'm considering signing up to sell this product but I only want to stand for something honest and good. I'm thinking I may have found it. - Your thoughts?




  1. OK I looked at the website...The compensation plan?... I know Multilevel Marketing (MLM) when I see it...YOU get paid--only after you've signed up, when you get someone else to sign up and so on and so on and so on...

    P.S. I found this curious--I looked the address up on the internet (Zillow) and it's out of someone's house in Las Vegas...Bz-z-z-z-z-zt! RED FLAG!!!!

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