
Help!! Is it an offense to leave an 11 yr old child unattended in a car/Scotland? Thank You,Jan?

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Thanks to all of you,I couldn't find where to thank you at the bottom lol,

No,I don't intend to leave him,

He is a very young 11,easily panicks etc,and my ex-hubby(his dad) left him in car alone,just thought it was an offense.

Thanks Again!




  1. There is not set a specific age at which a child can be left in a car alone,  such issues are decided on a case-by-case basis.

    But they do look at it this way...........

    Neglect means failure by a caretaker, either deliberately or through negligence or inability, to take those actions necessary to provide safety for a child.

  2. Yes

  3. it should be its child neglect... scenario....your cars on a hill...your childs in the car... hey presto!

  4. No - provided its not for hours.  Depends how self confident and secure the child is too, of course.  Just popping into a local shop and leaving them would be fine. I wouldn't advocate going shopping all day and leaving them though.

  5. I have just found this article on the net;

    Mother facing jail after leaving baby in car for two minutes while she put money in a charity box 10 yards away

    Last updated at 17:06pm on 13th March 2008

    Its made me thinnk.

  6. to me it would be an offense

    cars can  get very hot very quickly and children have died from that

    or the car could get stolen as well,

    its always better to take your child with you'

    then to leave them in the car

    then some times the child mangers   to get the car in gear

    and either tries to drive the car or the car rolls into traffic ...

  7. Social services might take a pretty dim view of it. If it's on the road technically you are leaving child in charge of the vehicle, especially if the keys are there

  8. Depends on how long you intend leaving the child, how mature they are, the weather conditions and the safety factor.  It's not advisable in the first instance but there is no law stating otherwise.

  9. Do you plan on doing so?

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