
Help! Is it my period?

by  |  earlier

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I feel bloated and as If I have need to pass gas by my lower abdomen, I have a headache that comes and goes, and sometimes pain in my back or lower abdomen. I have had discharge since I was 11, Im now 13. My b*****s are developing and I have hair in my pubic, underarm and leg area. Is it my period? Or if its August now, how many months away could it be?




  1. yup i think it's your period  

  2. it probally is and if so you should talk to your mom about it.

    you dont need to be posting it on the internet!

    your thirteen you dont need to be on here.

  3. Well it sounds like it just might be!!!  So welcome to womanhood?  HA!!!  I always thought that phrase was dumb!!!  ha ha ha!!  well good luck and be looking out for good old aunt flo, she will be visiting you soon!!

  4. it might be your period. take midol, it takes away the head aces and pain. since you are a teen take midol teen formula.

    --good luck

    (look at source for picture)

  5. It sounds like your period.  I can't say how long it will take for it to come, but if you have a headache, it is probably coming soon.  Take motrin and watch when you wipe for blood.  

  6. you've not got it yet, but when discharge gets thicker or coloured it may be it :)

  7. probably and i would say you have a week at most till it comes as of my experience

  8. it is very possible. the best thing to do is to tell your mom, and ask her about it. it could be anytime now, and you mom can help you figure it out best, because she knows you better than all us strangers do

    good luck:)

  9. It's puberty.
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