
Help? Is this weird?

by Guest61217  |  earlier

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I can go for a whole day and not eat anything

I mean yesterday I had a glass of water, a bowl of rice crispies with warm milk and my dinner??

And the day before I had a glass of fanta and a bowl of fruit?

Is this weird?

Im simply not hungry any more could this be due to hormone changes? as Im a teenager and I recently had a growth spurt so what do you think this is? D:




  1. even if you don't feel like eating, you must. your stomach has probably shrunk and you must "stretch" it again by eating normal sized meals, after a while it won't be so hard to eat normal sizes because you'll be used to it.

    i used to have anorexia and this is the start of the slippery slope-trust me don't go there

  2. Wouldn't worry about it. Unless you are loosing weight, don't let anyone tell you that you're anorexic or anything. I eat the same way. I was always kind of a heavy kid, and when I got into my 20s, I started listening to my body and only eating when I was actually hungry. I lost weight, and I've settled in at a perfectly healthy weight ( I'm 5'6 and about 130lbs- I'm not anorexic!) and been about the same for several years now. I can go two or three days without craving food at all- and then I generally eat a huge meal. (I tell people I eat like a snake- one big meal every few days!) There are days where I only take in a few hundred calories, but I don't loose weight- and I'm active. Thats just all my body needs. My mom is the same way. Some people just are.  So don't worry about it, and unless you start loosing weight, I don't see a problem. If it really bothers you, go to a doctor and talk to them about it. Just remember to keep some fruit around to keep your blood sugar up!

  3. Don't freak out, you are just going through a lot of changes.  If your calorie burning throughout the day doesn't outweigh your calorie intake you should be fine.  If this is coming natural to you then you should be fine, just don't force it.  Your appetite will come around sooner than you may think.

    *Question:  are you having  body image problems?  

  4. it is a lil weird as i never went through nothing like that.. just have even and BALANCED meals everyday.. three of them and make sure your getting all your nutrients.. fruit and veges..!! VERY important

  5. it sounds to me that you need to talk to your mom about it i have done it before used to go a day with just eating breakfast your body just doesn't feel hungry. However, i decided it wasn't healthy and i ate three meals a day and it has helped me a lot i know have a lot more energy which i was lacking when i hadn't eaten. Just eat even if you aren't hungry because when your older it will make you put weight on.

  6. You may be at the start of an eating disorder. If this continues you will get really sick and slowly you will not want to eat anything. It's not wierd but you must force yourself to eat what you normally have.

  7. i had the same problem as you.

    have you stopped eating properly for a while before now?

    i had a slight eating disorder and as a result of that i lost my apetite and now although i eat regular meals they are much much smaller than average. i cant fit any more than that in.

    i never eat brekkie and not always lunch i usually eat dinner and a snack maybe and thats it.

    its normal for me now.

    i dont get hungry.

    as long as you keep an eye on your situation and if you start having any thoughts like 'i want to look skinny tomorrow, so i wont eat today, cos i can and i like they way i look the day after i havent eaten much' then talk to someone, its what i was like and i was very close to slipping into an eating disorder.

    be careful, but dont worry too much.

    you know yourself better than anyone, as long as you can admit it if something does change. then you'll be ok
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