
Help!!! Just saw a roach?

by  |  earlier

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Went to our kitchen to get a glass of water, and spotted a roach run across my counter. It went behind the stove but eventually came out and we got it. I heard that once you see one.. there are probably many that you don't see. Our kitchen is clean so I'm pretty upset. We had a kitchen sink leak a few months ago which molded the piece of wood beneath it, which we removed (there is now just a slab of concrete beneath sink) so I'm wondering if that's where it came from. Should we call an exterminator or do you think RAID would do the trick? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I'm so freaked out right now...




  1. Dont worry , it is possible 1 got in your house through a grocery bag or a friend could have had it in her purse when visiting, they also travel through water pipes. Seeing 1 does not always mean there are more but to play it safe close the drains at night in tubs and sinks . Purchase some bait traps and you will be fine.  Raid spray doesnt work unless sprayed directily on them.

  2. I wouldn't worry about it.If you were to walk in there late at night,in the dark,and turn the light on,you would really have a heart attack because that's when them suckers really come out.

    Just buy some of them roach bait traps and it will get them devils.

    Good luck.

  3. When i first moved into my apartment we had roaches all over the place, i was freaked out too. I pondered getting some raid or an exterminator, but an exterminator seemed to expensive so i went to wal mart. While i was standing there in front of all the products for roaches this old guy walked by me and told me about this stuff called bengal. It has a picture of a bengal tiger on it. Compared to the other products it was a bit more pricey 15 dollars. So i took it home and sprayed it under the stove and fridge as well as under my cabinets and some of my baseboard trim. Basically wherever roaches can hide. The stuff wasn't messy it sprays on dry which is awesome. Within minutes you could see dying roaches crawling out of there hiding spaces. For a couple days you would find dead one here and there but it completely eradicated every single roach i had. It has been 5 months since i sprayed it and i have not seen a single roach since! Go to wall mart and try i would swear by this stuff.......Bengal.

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