
Help! Kitten problems.

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Ok. This cat near here had kittens and the runt got abandoned. I took her in and have been giving her formula. We can't see a vet till tomorrow.She's old enough to have opened her eyes but they re stuck together. We clean them out but they just get stuck again with this weird discharge. She's shaking like a leaf.... What do I do?




  1. Take her to the vet right away.

  2. She sounds like she has eye infections.  Don't keep cleaning it.  First thing in the morning, take her to a vet.  

    As for the shaking like a leaf, she could be cold.  Try keeping her wrapped in a warm towel and holding her close.  

  3. Keep the kitten warm.  Gently soak the crusts off the eyes as it gathers with warm water and cotton only.  And keep the nose clean.  give formula by bottle or be really careful that the kitten doesn't breathe in the formula.  Do NOT give any human medicines to a cat ever.  Something as simple as Tylenol will kill a cat.

  4. Warm water on the eyes, a new paper towel every time to make sure no germs get back in. Tell the vet tomorrow about the eyes. And if she is just big enough to open her eyes she must be freezing, kittens are normally always with each other and their mothers to they all share body heat but when they are alone they get cold quick. Hold her close to you so she can get you heat and place a towel or blanket around the rest of her. Make sure she gets to the vet first thing tomorrow. Good luck!

  5. Wrap her in blankets and hold her like a baby. Don't pick at her eyes wait till tomorrow to do anything that might hurt her. Good Luck!!!

  6. keep the sweet thing as warm as possible! wrap her in a nice warm blanket and hold her close.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

  7. unfortunately, many times kittens are abandoned because mom knows they are sick and dying. be prepared to lose her, despite your best efforts.

    eyes need to be wiped with a warm wet wash cloth. as often as needed.

    are you sure of its age? eyes open at about 10 days,they walk at about 4 weeks.

    if he cant walk, he needs a bottle, with kitten formula.

    he is shaking like a leaf because he is slowing freezing to death, they can not regulate body temp., mom must keep them warm.

    hold him close to your body, under your clothes. just let his head stick out.

    since you cant hold him forever, you need a box with an electric blanket set on low covering half the box. but a blanket on top of the electric blanket.

    only cover half the box so kitty can crawl off if he gets too hot.

    soda bottle with hot water will work, but you have to keep refilling it.

    and, do not feed like a human baby, in your arms, you will drown him.

    when bottle feeding he must have all four paws on the ground. standing, or lying down.

  8. Maybe you should try putting her on a heating pad. If she's shaking a lot, she may be seriously sick, and even though I understand that you can't see a vet until tomorrow, you may have to accept that tomorrow may be too late. Keep her warm and dry and try to feed her warm formula. Good luck, and I hope the vet is able to help you more than I can.

  9. AWW that's soo sad. Im sorry to hear that maybe you should like try to keep her warm. just try to calm her down and maybe that will help.

  10. okay, it's shaking try wraping it up in a soft blanket, and when you take it to the vet, they will find out what is wrong with it's eyes.

  11. The kitten will need to be kept very warm. Keep the kitten in a box with some soft blankets.  Under the box, set a heating pad on "low" setting, and put a towel over the heating pad, right under the box.  This will prevent any burning. If you don't have a heating pad, fill up some soda bottles with hot water, wrap in hand towels, and place them throughout the perimeter of the box. Usually two 2-soda bottles will do it.

    There can be a few reasons for the yellow discharge from her eyes. It could be just a cold. It could be a herpes infection. It could be conjunctivitis. If it is herpes,(not like what we get), it can reoccur in the kitten. You will need to give her special supplements to help prevent it from reoccurring.

    You need to keep the eye clear of the gunk. Take a soft cloth and wet it with warm water. Very gently wipe the eye clean. You need to do this until it clears up. if you can try to get some sort of ophthalmic,(eye), ointment for the kitten.(don't try to pries the eyes open,this will hurt her/him) and just see vet tomoz.good luck.

  12. Oh thank God for people like you!  You know cats love very warm areas.  They do.  Just keep her warm for now.  The Vet will take care of her in the morn.  God bless you!

    Edit:  I hear the concern in your voice with your added comment.  It will be ok.  Those little boogers are stronger than you think. =)

  13. It would be wise to get her to the vet by tonight because when kittens are ill, they cannot last very long without medication. If you cannot see the vet until tomorrow, do this. I am guessing that the kitten is 2 to 3 weeks old. Feed her every 2 to 3 hours around the clock. You must take a warm damp cloth and rub it gently across her rear to promote a bowel movement. This is what the mother cat is doing when she licks the area, besides cleaning. Keep the kitten warm as it cannot maintain body heat. Wrap loosely in a soft cloth or small blanket so it can cuddle. Hold it close to your body to help with warmth and so it can feel and hear your body movements. Wipe the eyes out from center outward with a warm damp soft cloth. The kitten most likely has an eye infection and a upper respiratory infection. Hopefully this will help, but the best treatment is at the veterinarian, the sooner the better. Best wishes.

    You can also put her on a heating pad on low, but you will need to make sure that she does not get overheated and that the pad is not left unattended.

  14. Hi Mummy!


    I've been raising a runt since the day she was born, today is our 5th day! We are doing well. I can only tell you what I've done. It's hard work.

    Feeding round the clock every 2-4 hours. You need to get something the shape of a nipple and let her drink from it, even an eye drop syringe.

    Mix up evaporated milk with some natural yoghurt only 2 tea spoonsfuls, heat it, just a little bit though..

    Mine is drinking about 30ml a day if not more..

    Her eyes won't open until they are fully ready, you need to just keep wiping round them with a cotton bud or cotton wool about 3 times a day. My little one hasn't opened her eyes yet, she umbilical cord dropped off yesterday and she had her first p**p today. She's doing quite well.. staying strong anyhow.

    good luck and god bless, I hope you get sorted.

    Oh! I refill a hot water bottle every 4 hours and put it under a towel with mine, you will need to keep holding her.

    When your feeding her, make sure her head doesn't go up or you can cause fatal damage.. it can go to her lungs. sorry if this doesn't make much sense, ive just done my first feed of the day and it's 4am!

    Good Luck!!

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