
Help Life Problem!!!!!?

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Help i find it hard to talk now,i am 17teen year old,when i was 14 i was bullied because of my voice.Because it carried on for 1 year,i stop talking completely,now i don't talk.I had loads of girl asking me out,but was to scared to talk in case they didn't like my voice or start laughing.My sister is popular and everyone knows here at school and around the area.I had girls who came to my house to chat me up but was to scared to talk.I think it because i related to a famous singer and a famous radio presenter.All the people come to my house and they talk about what i have.Because i am rich and when they come to my house they tell everyone at school,that i live in a mansion with all the gadget.I think they take the mick cause they are jealous please help.I also think that everyone better then me and everyone on the tv.I think i noone likes me.I feel everyone on tv better then me .I think that if i get a girl they might leave because they see someone better.




  1. good luck with that

  2. What?

  3. There will always be haters and lovers. Balance that and you'll understand who we are all about because your not the only one going through tough times.  And also, f**k the haters

  4. You said you had loads of girls asking you out.  I think it is time you take one out. If you get a girl that might leave because they see someone better, from what you say, there are many more fish in the sea.  I hope this will work out for you.  Good Luck.

  5. If you can't talk, then you should improve your typing for God sakes.

  6. You won't be able to change your voice so get a grip, **** all the a******s who don't like it and enjoy yourself.

  7. ohhh sweetie you need to relax and breathe!!!  your concentrating on things that are so not important in life.  Just enjoy your teenage years and what they have to offer for as long as you can.  Because you have to be able to keep yourself calm, balanced and sane or no one else will.  ESPECIALLY, when you enter into adulthood.  I can tell you are overwhelming yourself just on the hundreds of topics you've touched in one question.  Sweetie TV is just that TV!!!  Everyone on tv is better than all the real people...that's the point of tv.  Don't compare yourself to television.  Whats wrong with your voice is it too high...too will even itself out.  Were you trying to say that you think the girls only want to talk to you because of who your related to and what your family has?  Well you will never know if you don't test any of them.  And if that is the case then you just dump them or use them back.  Once you weed out the bad ones, you'll find the right one.  But your only 17 will enjoy so many things from this point on of what life has to offer.  Some experiences bad and others good...but you will learn from all of them just the same.  Hince the term live and learn.  Just breathe honey and enjoy the ride!!

  8. my god, dont get yourself a phobia about talking to people, if your voice is different so what, its just a voice for godsake, live your life its not worth worrying about

  9. I dont get the mick taken out of me bacause of my voice but of other things and i used to have more friends than i do now because the people that dont like me have made them think the same way that they do and quite a few people dont like me because they think that im rich and i just dont care im not rich, i have a bigger house than theirs but thats all.  And now i dont have any confidence to meet up with girls or talk to them so id say just talk to one girl that you've know for a while and just talk to her.  Your voice probably isnt what you think its like and the bullies have just lowered your confidence but dont let them ruin your social life.

  10. well that was confusing.

  11. all i can say is write a letter to tell your doctor.. i think part of it is depression.

    maybe when you are at a place alone u should just start talking to your self.. i know that sounds nuts..but it would be  a way to boost your confidence. after a while u might get the courage to talk to others.. if that fails then please go see your doctor. he can refer you somewhere and then u will get counseling to help you... and then about a year later or so  you will have no trouble.. but because u haven't talked for so long.. it will be really hard for you to talk because your voice box isn't use to it.. so i said try talking to your self.. just try grunts and baby noises first then try to pronounce words properly it will get easier.

    i hope i helped you..and i hope u get better soon.

    and as for feeling like everyone is better than you..  everyone is different in there own way. and the whole if u get a gilr she might run off with someone else.. probably  means you are insecure about your self.

    so get a girl and it will probably go away ..

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