
Help! Loan/College Stuff!?

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Okay, so my mom can't co-sign a loan, and my dad had agreed to do the ParentPLUS with me, so I could go to my dream school, NYU. Now he wants to pull-out, and I can't, I'm too invested in going there, and have also put several thousand dollars towards the school..what should I do?




  1. go to this site and fill out all of the information. You should be able to get a government loan, pell grant, or other grants....good luck

  2. It is very tough to get a student loan without a co-signer even if the co-signer makes over $19,000 as another person as suggested. I was the victim of a scam and my credit got ruined. My Dad has excellent credit but no one will approve a student loan with him as a co-signer because he's only been at his current job for 6 months. My fiancée has ok credit and makes almost $40,000 and they wouldn't accept him as a co-signer either. I have applied to every bank and loan company I could find on the internet. I even started calling to find out their minimum credit scores to see if it would even be worth while to apply. I got the same answer each time "we don't give out that information". They all just wanted me to apply and "see" if I will get approved. I told them I know they wouldn't approve me because I've applied to all of them before. (I was able to get some negatives off my credit report and raise the score to 610 but no one will tell me if that's high enough and all want to run my credit again! That will show as an injury and cause it to go down even more!!)

    Pre Prime loans are the loans to students who have no credit and no co-signer. The only requirement is that the student does not have bad credit. They also consider the student's high school GPA and intended major as factors.

  3. You will not get loans beyond the Federal ones without a cosigner. NYU is notorious for giving crappy financial aid. Every year kids like you pile in and take huge loans. Then they also find what it costs to live in NYC and more loans are added. Needless to say, many leave after a year.

    While I know it's your dream school, you need to really think about whether it's worth it. I have a feeling that's what your father did.

    You will be saddled for a very long time with these loans. You'll delay buying a home, new cars, vacations etc. Unless you're going into a very high paying field in which you know you can get a great job, think about schools you can do without back breaking loans. A gap year won't kill you. Personally, Stern is the only school at NYU I'd consider taking big loans for because of the potential pay back.

  4. Hi-

    I can understand if your Dad pulled out of the PLUS deal because he would actually have to make the payments, not you.  But that's not the same as cosigning.  NYU has a deal with Nellie Mae who provides signature loans (private).  They do need a cosigner (unless you have a good credit history), but the loans do not have to be repaid until after graduation and after 24 months (just 2 years) of on-time payments, the cosigner is off the hook.  Maybe he'll go for that, since it will not cost him a dime, if you can make the payments for two years.

  5. You can look into scholarships and also personel student loans which was very helpful to was an very helpful scholarship website and Chase student loans was very helpful as far as student loans.

    I hope that help!

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