
Help ME serious question about girl private part...?

by  |  earlier

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i got anemia and I'm taking iron pills now, but my doctor want my period to come out little not a lot so she told me to go see a doctor who mainly know about girl body i think I'm not sure, but my doctor said that he/she will check to see if i be able to take pregnancy pills so my period wont come out that much so my blood can go up faster. But I'm scared if i go they will find out I'm not a virgin anymore. I know I'm stupid for losing at 16 but it was a mistake now if i go the doctor might tell my parent I'm not a virgin and stuff or does this type of doctor only check if i be able to drink pregnancy pills and doesn't check my Virgina??? because I'm not sure what the doctor will check..

help mew please if u have went to one before and or what i should do. Like i said no use calling me stupid to make that mistake i already admit I'm stupid 2 do that.




  1. okay if you're going to a doctor and you they check your v****a and see that you're not a virgin. Way would they even tell you Mom? It's an invasion or your privacy.

    If you you find out that you're going to be checked then tell the doctor that you don't want your parent's to know. They will not revile that kind of thing because it have nothing to do with the current problem.  

  2. if you say you're a virgin he/she will not you down there ..a doctor can prescribe the pill to a virgin but passing a pap smear test would take your virginity away so he/she cannot do it.

  3. If you go to a gyno they will probably do a pap smear before putting you on birth control pills. They can't tell if you are a virgin or not and if you tell them they can not legally say anything to your parents about it.

  4. the doctor cant really tell if your having s*x or not bc every girls body is different and on top of that it really is illegal to tell your parents. most doctors wont even say anything about you having s*x to your parents in the first place.

  5. 1. It is almost impossible for them to tell you have had s*x

    2. Legally, a doctor cannot tell your parent you are not a virgin. If they do, you are liable to sue.

  6. there is no possible way to tell if you are a virgin or not. Your hyman is probably broken, but some girls break it without s*x or are even born without it! Even if there was a way to tell if you were having s*x, you could ask the doctor to keep the doctor patient confidentiality, which means they wouldn't be able to tell your parents

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