
Help ME with my COMPUTER [10 Points]

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to download WUBI for Ubuntu and it says that it requires 256 mb of memory and that my computer only has 247 ...

---I had been DELETING all my pics,softwares,music,etc AND not even a number increase, I Delated like my whole computer LEAVING only required softwares to it to work porperly. WHY is this happening ?


I ignored the message and then it said my comp. had 12 gb free on my driver c ?????? HOW come it said i ONLY had 256 mb of memory ?




  1. 256MB of memory is for your RAM.  12Gigs is of free hard disk space.

    Take care,


  2. its talking about ram

    to increase the amount of ram (memory) you have

    you would have to go buy a stick of ram and open your computer and install it where your old one is

    the more you have the faster your computer will go

    i recommend about 1 gb for windows xp

  3. It's not asking for hard drive space. it tell you that you do not have enough memory to run the program.

    It take a certain amount of memory to run your programs ie to start your computer up it take memory. To open an application (program) it takes memory.

    You need to buy some more memory so you ran run WUBI

  4. RAM (Random Access Memory, aka memory) and hard drive space are two totally different things. When you save pictures, music, etc, you save them on the hard drive. Hard drives are permanent storage devices. You have 12 GB free on your hard drive (which is roughly 12,000 MB).

    RAM, aka memory, is a temporary storage space. It is MUCH faster than hard drive space and it is only meant to temporarily store things while you are working on them. Think of RAM like a chalkboard. It is easy to quickly add things to it and it is easy to quickly erase and change data on it. You can very quickly glance up and see what you wrote on it a minute earlier. However it is limited in space and you cannot expect data to stay on it forever.... that is what the hard drive is for. If you want to continue the analogy, think of the hard drive like a filing cabinet. It can hold many documents and much more data than a chalkboard and they would be protected, but it can take a lot longer to find a file in it.

    Deleting data from the hard drive will not affect the amount of memory.... that is like throwing files from a file cabinet away and expecting the size of your chalkboard to grow. They are two different things.

    Some programs can run on machines with specs lower than the minimum requirements state. However, if you try to do so, it will probably run very slowly and you may get other errors. If you want, you could try it and see what happens. However, RAM is relatively cheap, very easy to install, and improves overall system performance... so you may want to upgrade. Go to to see what type you need or go to a local computer or electronics store and ask them for help in getting the correct type of ram (as there are many different types). If you go to a local computer or electronics store, make sure you at least know what brand and model your computer is.... it may be better to take computer in so they can see it themselves without confusion.

  5. 256 MB of ram memory not hard disk memory

    go to your bios and change it

    check direct x how much ram memory your PC share. your pc use 247 of 256 memory 9mb use for virtual memory

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