
Help!!!!!! MP3 keeps saying "Bad Track" what do I do?

by Guest10920  |  earlier

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I have a sansa e260 4GB MP3. Last Night I put about 50 songs on it and all the songs worked at first but then when i tried to listen to the same song again it said "bad track". I really want to be able to listen to all those songs, what do i do so i can get the songs to work??????




  1. try re- inputting them in again. check that they are .wma or .mp3 formats.

  2. it seems as though your mp3 player doesnt like your music.

  3. Yeah that is a problem with all the e200 series i have one and it does it too. Someday i am going to format it which might help but i dont know. Here is what i did to mine and so far its working. Put the mp3 in MSC mode by going to settings and then go down ti USB mode and switch it to MSC. Then plug it in to the computer and go to my computer and then right click on the icon for the sansa e200 then go down to properties click on it. Then you will see a window pop up and then find the tab on the top that says tools. Click on it then the first button and another small window will pop up. It will have 2 check boxes on it check them both. Then press start. Just wait untill its done. Make sure you have those songs on your computer because they might be gone after you unplug the sansa. If the music is gone put it all back on using sync in windows media player. After you put all your music on then unplug it and wait for it to restart and then check to see if your music works. I hope this works for you. :)

  4. go to the sandisk bad track....they have solutions there, the link is listed in the source

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