
Help! Magotts again!?

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Hi everyone, I posted this question last night - but its getting worse tonight :(

Last nights question - I live in an area where we have to have wheelie bins. We have our black rubbish bin emptied every 2 weeks. Its usually very smelly as you can expect - so I bleach it with boiling water and neat bleach once the binmen have been an before any new rubbish goes back in.

Over the last few weeks my cat had a litter of kittens so I have been emptying their litter tray every day and putting it in the black bin. As with any waste we have in our home I tie it up tightly in a carrier bag. I have just noticed that I have hundreds of maggots crawling all over the top of the bin (which is in my back yard), down the sides and a small patch forming by my wall outside (on the opposite side of the garden to where my bin is)

What do I do? I have tried boiling water and salt. Im scared to wake up in the morning and have an infestation out there! Help!


Now today I move my bin out of my back yard to the other side of the fence where my car park space is. I have just been to the back door - and my yard is crawling with magotts! Its pouring with rain and they seem to be loving it - swimming in the water. My back yard is fairly big and has hundreds of magotts saturating the floor! My bin is due to be picked up the day after tommorrow (2 week pickup is just too long :( )

Can i get into trouble for this? Can it get much worse? Im a very clean person, I bleach the bin when its emptied and tie up any food or waste in carrier bags - but this last week its spiralling out of control.

I need some good advice :(




  1. It's time to get out the big guns.  Sprinkle the inside of the garbage bin with insecticide powder (boric acid e.g.).  Spray inside regularly with spray (be careful not to inhale).  Sprinkle the entire yard with insecticide granules.  That's 3 things you need to buy at a home supply store.  Well worth the reduced fly population.

  2. First of all i would take photographs of the problem to show the council. I think having to wait two weeks for a collection is very backward and disgusting. Personally i have a fear of maggots. Im scared of spiders like most people but maggots are something different, they petrify me and make me feel like they are crawling on me just at the sight of them.  I would carry on using hot water on the bin after collection but maybe try original dettol instead of bleach - maybe the smell of dettol would discourage flys that are laying eggs ? Have you checked your yard for a dead animal or anything under shrubs that may be hidden nearby that is attracting so many maggots ? I only ever remember maggots in our weelie bin once but i think it was stinking liquid aka 'bin juice' running out of a bag that somebody put in it. Hope you find a solution and contact the council over the stupid idea of collecting only every two weeks. Good luck !

  3. I don't know how to get rid of them from your yard, apart from spraying them with insect spray.  What I do know is that somehow flies are getting into your bin because maggots come from flies.  Do you double wrap your waste in plastic supermarket bags?  Our council tells us to double bag everything (we only get a bi weekly collection too).  I have not noticed maggots in my bin since we went bi weekly but I have noticed a smell.  You will have to clean the maggots off before they come to empty the bin or they may refuse to empty it.  Good luck, I do feel sorry for you.

  4. Once the birds see them it's good night Vienna.
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