
Help Me Become Flexible?!?

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I've been dancing for a while now, i started when i was younger and stopped for a bit but i've started up again. I'm 15 and i'm not fat but i certainly have a fair bit of meat on my bones. i'm fairly short too. is there a weight or height guideline i should be at? and also i am not very flexible and and i try to stretch but i am unsure as to what stretches will help. i've been told that the reason for my unflexibility (if that's a word) is because i have an incredibly weak lower back. any ideas please? it would be greatly appreciated.

weight; 55-60 kg.

heigh; 5"3' approx.




  1. hey

    I am the same age around the same weight and am 5'4

    so pretty similar. I have to lose weight for my ballet school and I am having difficulty with that so if you find anything good let me know.

    anyway about the flexibility look up on youtube gymnastic stretches and there is one with a girl that shows you more advanced stretches, but before that I would say that you need to start searching for stretches.

  2. well, flexibilty usually isnt really easy to learn, but when you practice you could get better. you dont want to over do your self and break your back, but kinda start small. i used to be like that, but now i can do a backbend all the way to the floor

  3. You can be flexible no matter what weight or height some people are just born naturally flexible but even if your not you still can become flexible by working at it. Ways to make it better though is stretch twice a day. This will really help, also make sure you warm up first.

    This site is great! It gives stretches and shows you how to get your splits in only 3 weeks.

    Hope this helps

  4. you can do what you desire when the time demand for it,,..just persevere

  5. Make sure you stretch really well before you do anything and ask your dance instructor about your back.....they always know what they are talking about! practice every day no matter what!!!!

    ~hope this helps!!!!

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