
Help Me! I'm so emberised!!!!!!!!!!!:-0?

by  |  earlier

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ok heres wat happend i borrowed my sistas bathing suit the top was way to big so i put some bubble rap in it so i went to the comuity pool to swim wen i dove in the top came off wen i came up for air my crush saw breast i put my hands over then and then my mom came and got me she said i was trying to be a hooker now everbody says im such a pervert




  1. everyone has an embarrising moment in there life. in a couple of months you and your mom will be laughing about it. hey it happens to the best of us

  2. just ignore everyone it will pass.

  3. lol no offense but the bubble wrap thng was mistake 1 but i would just be like that wasnt me what are you talking about that didnt happe and eventually ppl will forget

  4. you knw what i am tired of people nagging on others for flipping spelling mistakes! just shut up about it ok you jerks! anyway to answer your question, don't be upset about it. it wasnt your fault you grabbed the wrong suit! hey life moves on, people forget. once i was in gym class and this really hott guy broke my nose, everyone was like laughing at me for it, but hey, i didnt care. i know your case is much worse, but life moves by and the best thing you can do is move with it. just laugh with the people be like " yeah i cant believe that happened to me! ha ha ha! i was so embarrassed, but i am moving on guys ok? so what happened with you guys this weekened?" or something like that. also tell your mom she really hurt you and it wasnt you fault.

    best 'o' luck!


  5. just be like whatever because if u look embarrassed in front of everyone, they will keep laughing at u because they will think u want attention, but if u act like if it was no big deal then it will die down soon enough.

  6. Next time wear your own bathing suit!

  7. Wow. I am sorry. Just tell the truth. It's not like you tried to take your top off! Anyone worth paying attention to will understand.

  8. If you just forget about it and not mention it for a while, it will pass. Soon, another poor kid will have something to happen to them and the whole thing wil be forgotten. Don't worry, worse things have happened to me and I'm still here, right?

  9. This is a ridiculous question.

    Bubble wrap would float.  If you don't know that you deserve what happened...

    PS.  Your mom's a jerk for saying such a thing.

    Learn to spell..this is about the worst spelling I've seen on this site. Try the ""Check Spelling"" next time.

  10. thanks for sharing. i know we all just gotta get it out of our systems. once i went in a men's lockerroom and got yelled at by an 80 year old man when I got in line for the urnels. pretty embarrassing. so just dont act bothered by it because when you do people wont let it go but if you act like whatever theyll stop bugging you.

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