
Help Me Interpret My Dreams?

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I have ALOT of weird dreams that just puzzle me. Here's a few that I hope somebody can shed a little light on...

1. I once had a dream that I was standing in the sandpit of my pre-primary centre and my grandmother ripped my 2 front teeth out. I then lashed out at her and hit her, and I was screaming nonsensical gibberish and after a while my jaw hurt.

2. Somebody standing behind me covered my eyes so I couldn't see and then led me blindfolded to a small ledge. Below it was a lake and on the top was a large draping willow tree. I just sat in the tree and stared up at the sky crying.

3. I fell head first into the ocean from the sky during a nighttime meteor shower.

4. My friend MIchelle died after being taken by a shark in in a lake behind her house. Her sister Bec wouldn't talk to anyone and on my walk home I ended up strolling through a construction sight with a dirt road.

5. I walked down the middle of a busy freeway to a clothes store on a street corner to buy a dress. A girl who was my friend in the past was there. She was friendly to me despite our friendship ending badly in real life. We went for a coffee, I tipped it in her lap and walked out. It was then nighttime, as opposed to the middle of the day when I'd arrived.

Puzzling and abrupt, I know. If you need me to expand on anything just send me an email. Please help, this is kind of disturbing.




  1. these are just plain weird,but yes difinatly your dreams are telling you something from within you self-concious mind. this website shud really help  also your dreams are common, these are problem through everyday life. being blind also falling you said

    then one of them sounds like reuniting with a friend this-

    seeing an old friend

  2. i should be paid to read all this huge paragraph ..

    sorry .. must be some weired thoughts..  

  3. Your dreams have some common threads that likely relate to how you relate to others and how you believe they see you, and that you have a strong spirit even if stifled at times.

    Is it possible that your grandmother was critical of your becoming dirty when playing as a child and critical of your loss of attractiveness when that happened?  You seem to have a very independent nature and sense of injustice – perhaps rightfully so.  Kids are kids – what’s wrong with getting dirty in a sandbox?  But she had the upper-hand – her wishes must have prevailed: despite your outburst of protest the pain in your jaw affirmed the loss of teeth – a symbol in western culture of loss of attractiveness.  You didn’t fear that – but she made it ‘real’ to you.  A bit of defiant 'tom boy' is suggested in this - and that may have been something that was disagreeable to her.

    Has there been someone in your life who was very controlling and put you in situations that were confining or boring – perhaps even those seeming unsafe at times?  Being taken blindfolded into a potential hazard and then left to miserably sit and stare at the sky – atop this hazardous perch – indicates a stranding in an unfamiliar place where you were not comfortable.  And there was nothing you could do to escape to that lake below – you were left to simply stare, unhappily, at the sky – nothing else to do.  Your predicament, wherever this may have happened, was not a happy or safe feeling one.  It may relate to more than one event – the dream suggests a portrayal of an ongoing parallel real condition at some time in your life.  It manifests then in exaggerated form via the dream to allow you to ventilate the left-over feelings.

    Your nocturnal plunge into the ocean occurring simultaneous to the meteor shower indicates a flight of fancy among the stars – a wistful journey of adventure by one who desires freedom and admires the wonders of the universe.  But wistful indeed because, again, it appears you were bored and a bit confined as you saw things.  The plunge headfirst seems to represent the sad realization that you were not really as free as those meteors – they burned brightly as they expended their lives in full force.  You plunge into the water only to resume the ordinary life in the abysmal condition, as you saw it, of your young life with whomever controlled your situation.

    A shark in a lake is most incredible – but nearly has happened: nearly one hundred years ago a shark did attack and kill people in the northeast of the U.S. in a fresh water river – it had inexplicably gone quite a distance from ‘normal’ or even what most would hold to be ‘survivable’ waters for unknown reasons.  Was this friend, Michelle, a cohort in adventure?  Did you see her stifled by others as well?  Was the event an adventure gone mad, or a maddening consumption of her by those who thwarted the adventures you might have shared by dire warnings and restrictions?  Her sister would not speak – what might she have known of the thing, or what fear did she suffer in this?  Was she an instigator of mischief at times?  The construction site and dirt road indicate a trekking on through an unfinished life – moving on through the rough toward the finished have – home.  What was planned is not complete – your adventures planned with Michelle sit in the disarray of an unfinished construction project.

    The freeway indicates an impatience to get to your goal – and a willingness to accept hazard in order to expedite things desired.  The dress shop indicates a desire to freshen an image – you are preparing to meet someone known but in new skin – an attempt to amend something.  And so you find your old friend there – the one you truly ended things with in waking life.  Whatever it was that came between you is to be revisited here over coffee – you are there for quite a while, it being dark after you conclude your meeting.  Despite all the best efforts – or appearances at least – you finally ended things with minor violence by tipping the coffee in her lap.  The situation lies unchanged – you feel just in your position with her, nothing is resolved ‘though revisited to be sure.  You put on your best effort and appearances thinking this may have been a factor in things, but cannot change who you are.  Note the spirit in the outcome – gutsy – whether she deserved it or not.  Note that your 'best effort' involved a 'new dress' in some way - the 'tom boy' streak again occurs to this reader - was your friend critical of such a thing in you in some way?

    And you close with half of the answer you seek – ‘puzzling and abrupt’.  In sum, you do seem to have an admirable spirit about you – but the way you deal with others may need tempering a bit.  You seem to find disapproval and disappointment with many things others lead you to or impose on you.  You even occasionally find cause for some level of outrage in your sense of not reaching that place of happiness that you believe you are entitled to.  You do not seem to be particularly pleased with what others may expect of your appearance or behavior but feel OK about it yourself.

    You will of course need to consider these things in the context of your life as you truly know it, but they are suggested by what you have shared.  Hopefully they may help in your understanding.  If so, do note that there is no suggestion to stifle your good spirit - but you may find profit in tempering your feelings and reactions toward others a bit.

    All the best to you.

  4. ok here goes, where standing there in the sandpit because you fell stuck about something that happend in the past (preprimary centre) You have hard feelings towards your grandmother/(or could be other old woman and your mind just shows you granny) Ripping out the teeth is like what she did to you and you hitting her and screaming was what you think you should have done insted of hiding it in. Then when your jaw hurt it was you hurt b/c the two of you had a fight. are are not trusting of strangers, the lake and the tree are like two options that you can go for but insted your stuck in the middle looking into the sky is like lookign for an answer

    3.falling into the ocean is like you are drown with emotions the meteor shower is all the stuff going on in your life that you dont like but cant control

    4.Michelle was taking by a shark b/c she isnt who you think she is and her sister knows it thats hwy she wouldnt talk to anyone. going down the dirt road is just you flity with all the problems and emotions.

    5. the busy freeway are all the stuff going on when you just want to do somehting simple. you saw the friend b/c she prob. betrayed you, so you did the same with her in pouring the coffee on her

    Gosh i hope this helps LOL

  5. Dreams can be...


    part of one's past life.

    or simply just a product of our imaginative minds.

    So it's really up to you If you choose to believe that your dreams might mean something..

    But you know, matters like that are really random. They really are. For example, I know someone who dreamed of what will happen exactly one year after he dreamed about it. And I also know someone who always interpret all of her dreams. And now she's hellafa heartbroken because she believed too much on everything she saw on her dreams. :P

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