
Help Me!!! Is this normal?!?!?!?

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Is it normal in your teens to think that you are bi or g*y. Or to be unsure of what you are???

What do you do in that situation?? Has anyone out there ever thought they were g*y or bi, but later found out that they were not??




  1. I have a bi friend that realized it in high school. All I did was support her. Everyone is different, and everyone should be accepted.

    It is normal to experiement and realize who you are and WANT to be... Don't let any one pressure you into someone who you are not. Just be happy for who you are and enjoy these times.

  2. Yes.. It's just a phase.

    I went through it..

    In that situation you just continue life. There is nothing you can do about it.. You can only wait for your feelings to become clear.

  3. It could be a phase...They may be confused. They will figure it out soon enough. Whatever you do, don't discourage them either way. Be supportive, otherwise, they won't come to you for advice.

  4. It is not " normal " but it isn't uncommon either. It's more of a phase.

  5. Uhm. well ive made out with girls. etc. and so i thought i waas bi. for a while. but then i figured. that cause i liike to make out with girls. didnt exactly mean i was bi. so yeah i think its normal. alot of people i know has gone through that.

  6. Yes, it is normal. And it can also be a very scary thing, too. But just know that there are people out there who love you no matter what.

    Like another person said, just keep living your life. That's all you can do.

    If you have always liked guys in the past, then you are not a L*****n. You don't just one day wake up and only like girls. Who knows- you may be bi. Don't stress.

  7. definitely normal. ur teen years are all about finding out who you are and part of that includes your sexuality. try not to worry so much about labeling yourself...and not that there is anything at all wrong with being bi or g*y, but being curious doesn't mean you necessarily are.  you'll likely feel more secure in your sexual orientation once you're in your 20s.

  8. A lot of teenagers (especially females) usually have periods of their lives where they find themselves thinking about being with the same s*x...It's perfectly normal to go through this phase.

    When I was 15, I had my experimental stage. Some people do their expiremental stage to find that they are in fact bisexual, a L*****n. But some just wanted to experience it, and find that they are straight.

    I found out that I was straight but like to have fun and experiment.

    It might be a phase, or they might actually be bisexual or L*****n.

    EDIT: Have you been with both sexes? How old are you? I have many friends who are g*y, L*****n and bisexual...My best friend is bisexual and she had a crush on me hahahaha. You should ask this question in the g*y/L*****n/bisexual/transgendered forum...

    EDIT 2: Since you're 14, you have a lot of time to deal with this. Don't think about it too much because when you're older you'll realize what exactly it is...In reality it probably would have been better to post it on the g*y section because some of them might understand what you're going through.

  9. I think they like to think of many things in this age.  I would tell them who I am.  

    I live in NYC and an Asian.  g*y or bi is a big issue in my country but not here.  yes, I did ask a bartender who worked for me whether he is g*y.  And then, he was mad at me.  Is it really a matter???  Being g*y or bi or straight???

  10. i think its normal but i do agree with the other person (your probabley just curios)

  11. its definetly normal hun..when i was younger i thought i was that im all grown up i cant really picture myself with another woman.. but the curiosity its still very exciting.

  12. Yep. I'm pretty sure its normal for teens to be curious about both sexes. You'll be okay. :]

  13. Yeah its kind of normal but it depents wich one u r a bi or g*y ! Its ok i bet wich ever one u r ull find the one !

  14. Well, personally, I've never had this problem, but yes, I've heard that it is common in teens to question their sexual orrientation. Normally though, it's nothing, you're probably just curious.

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