
Help Me Out......Sleepin Issues?

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Lately i been havin problems goin 2 sleep and skool is startin soon and i need 2 get back on a sleepin schedule....durin skool i go 2 sleep at about 11pm but lately i havent been goin till between 3-5 am but when skool starts i have 2 get up at around 7:30am so i need help on goin 2 sleep...and no answers about warm milk and sleepin pills





  1. So, since I don't know what time it is for you where you live, try this tomorrow.

    So since you saud around 11pm, I'd try going into your room, and being ready by 9.30pm tomorrow.

    Start by laying in your bed, and just read, watch tv, or listen to music, and stay in bed.

    It might take you a while to go to sleep, but you'll eventually fall asleep.

    The next morning, wake up at 8.00 am, even if you don't have anything to could get on the computer, read, watch tv, etc. in your spare time.

    And don't take any naps during the day! At all! (:

    So I'd keep trying this and waking up earlier every day(?) until your tired at night.

    If you're not active in anything, sports really help ware you out!

    Good luck!

  2. Get up at six every day until school starts. And try and do alot during the day so you get tired and fall asleep earlier. That will help realign your internal clock. Thats what i gotta start doing for school too.

  3. Well my friend let me answer this from experience.  I work four days a week doing third shift.  The rest of the week i stay up during the day.

    Sunday i go in for 4pm and get out at 8am.  So sat. night i go to bed about 1am.  

    Tuesday into wed. is the tricky one.  Tuesday, i get into work at 11pm and leave at 7am.  I try to stay up all day on wed. so i can get enough sleep on wed night to be able to get up on Thursday morning.  

    What I'm trying to say is that you have to set yourself up to be able to get that perfect amount of sleep.  Try getting up earlier so that you will be more tired around 10 or 11 at night.  Experiment now so you will be ready for school.  

    OK, well good luck and have a great day.

  4. start putting yourself into school routine a few weeks before school starts. (school, not skool) jeez... try going to bed and making yourself just lay there until you fall asleep. make yourself get up on time no matter what. education is far more important  and by the looks of your grammar and spelling, you can't afford to miss any!

  5. had the same issue

    first stay up all night one night and dont let yourself take any naps then the next day pass out whenever you want and then also what i do is take a really warm shower and jump in bed still in my towel! and i pass out

  6. its as simple as get up a little earlier as u start to go to bed earlier.

  7. hmm u can do 1 thing when u feel sleepy tonite dont go to sleep ok?and wait till the next nite come and try to sleep at 11 pm and if u still dont feel sleepy try that method again i bet u u will get back to ur routine soon........

  8. man i have this problem to since school is out but my mom wasn't help she told me to take nyquil (don't do it) but try not sleeping so late in the afternoon and no naps for one day try doing something that will keep you awake then go to sleep at like 10 and try to do it every day

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