
Help Me PLZ! Mexico and USA! visa denial?

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My boyfriend lives in Mexico and hes been planning on coming to prom for a long time now at the end of May. But like right NOW he's telling me he is being denied visa all of a sudden and he's saying they aren't telling him why in the embassy. He's practically clean and has no reason to want to leave Mex in terms of finances. Maybe it's the proof consent of him being able to provide evidence that he'll leave at the time he specifies?

Please help. We've been looking forward to prom for a long time now. Are there any particular reasons why he can be denied visa?

But I mean, he was born in Finland which is on the visa waiver program so he shouldn't need one right? Or is it because he's spent most of his time in Mexico?

Any help is much appreciated. Neither of us are too knowledgable about this




  1. My experience has been that visas are typically denied because of a lack of proof that the person will return as scheduled/promised. This is usually do to a lack of evidence showing good cause of why he/she would return, e.g., money, home, business, political reasons, etc.  With the countless problems with illegal entry by Mexicans and others this exacerbates your boyfriend's problem.  Good luck.

  2. If your boyfriend is a Finnish national, with a Finnish passport, he does not need a visa, unless he has done something to disqualify himself from the program.  Otherwise, if he is living in Mexico, and holds a Mexican passport, he requires a visa, and his visa refusal is a reflection on his inability to convince the Consular officer that he is not an intending immigrant, or he is otherwise ineligible.

  3. "He's practically clean"

    Practically? They didn't want to give Amy Winehouse a visa and she was in rehab.

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