
Help Me Pack!?

by Guest31892  |  earlier

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How can I streach out packing to last for 5 days? I"m really excited and I want to pack ASAP but I have nothing to do this week and I need to streach out packing. PLEASE HELP! it's a week long camp!




  1. Put one outfit per day in your suitcase.  By the end of the week, you'll have five outfits.

  2. Make a list and split up the things needed to be packed each day. Day one you could gather your socks, underwear and shoes. Day two you can pick out two outfits.. Whatever you want to do on a certain day write that down.

  3. After a trip to Germany, for which I packed WAY too much, thinking I'd want a good selection of stuff to have on hand, then struggled the entire 3 weeks toting those humongous bags around Europe, I learned to pack much lighter for future trips.  And now that I have to also pack for a toddler, it's imperative that we keep to the bare minimum.

    1.  If you will have the ability to wash clothes, then pack for only half the days you'll be gone.  

    2.  Make sure you take along things that all match one another.  Remember, this is a temporary thing, so you don't need your own wardrobe.  You're going on vacation, not a fashion shoot.

    3.  Do pack one nice outfit/dress for dinner out or some other potentially dressy occasion.  But try to pick one that is forgiving of packing.

    4.  Pack as limited number of shoes as you can; try to keep it simple and stick to one pair that will pretty much match all your outfits, plus one dressy pair if you have to.  They should be comfortable in case you have to do alot of walking.

    5.  As for toiletries, if you can stick to a shampoo/conditioner-in-one, to eliminate one bottle.  I only have to shave once a week, so I do it right before leaving so I don't have to pack that stuff.  Do my nails right before leaving so I don't have to pack manicure stuff.  Check on availability of a hairdryer before you leave and don't take it if you really don't have to.  Same for other hair-styling appliances.  I end up not using half of what I bring, so I have to get better about limiting different styling products, make-up (I always choose the same items anyway), etc.  Keep it simple.

    6.  Take only 1 swimsuit and 1 pair of pajamas.  You just don't need any more than this.

    Lastly, pack one bag.  Carry it around the house for a while, to the car, try lifting it.  Re-pack if it's too cumbersome for you to manage on your own.
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