
:||| Help Me Picturess,?

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People Actually Believe Im Anorexic,

And Its Making Me Unhappy.

I Dont Think Im That Skinny,

Im The Blonde Girl Wearing Black In Both Pictures,

What Do You Think?

Thankyou x




  1. Don't let people make you feel unhappy. Anorexia is a serious disease and it's a big accusation to make. You do look very slim, but if you are eating healthily then you are not anorexic. You definitely don't need to lose any weight though. Maintain a healthy diet. Try to ignore those saying things about you, and make sure you do eat with them around, if you refuse food around people it'll only fuel the fire!

  2. Hey, any chance you could tell us how many calories you eat in a day? I´m really skinny too but I prob eat about 3000 calories a day, but I exercise a HUGE amount. Honestly though, you do look pretty thin. You need to be getting 1500 calories a day, and you don´t look too healthy.  

  3. You look very skinny.

    If that's your natural weight (no purging, etc), then it's okay. But you don't want to be TOO skinny either.

  4. You do look anorexic. You should put on some weight if you don't like ppl calling you that.

  5. you look hot in the first pic.  Second kinda skinny.  but lovin the first pic.  Just eat what you want, when and how you want.  As long as you eat.

  6. Ignore what these lot are saying, its cos they are too big and cant lose weight!

    You are a healthy weight by the looks of it, just make sure you eat plenty and healthily, ignore what people think. If you like your weight then theres no need to change.

    I used to be about your size and i was so happy how i was and now i have had a baby i am all flabby lol but i would ignore what people say, just remember you are not going to be the one that has a heart attack!  

  7. Yes way to skinny, perhaps you should see your doctor who might refer you to a dietician!!

  8. to be truthful with you, you do look like it. have you had your BMI checked? for an average woman you should be between 20-25 but I'm not sure for teens. Perhaps you should go and have a chat with your doctor or surgery nurse and see if they can help you out in anyway. I have just read an article in Grazia about the 'nearlyrexics' which means the women who are really skinny and on the verge of anorexia but because they are just within the guidling boundaries they arent classed as having a problem even when they do.

    good luck to you x*x

  9. you're very thin but if you don't have an eating disorder then good for you!


    ignore them ! just don't go on a diet!

    good luck


  10. u have exactly the same frame as me a couple of years ago i'm 22 and have had a baby since lol so if only! I think u look lovely and you can tell u r just naturally slim i don't like the word skinny it sounds horrible. People used to say to me u look anorexic and i thought u wouldn't go up to someone who is fat and say oh my god your so fat how do u find clothes to fit u!! its exactly the same if ur skinny, but i think u look lovely ur clothes r nice u carry urself well. x

  11. i dont think your anorexic........~xoxo ally*


    Check out the link. It will help you determine if your over or under weight with a body mass index chart like those used by Dr.'s.  

  13. Hey, any chance you could tell us how many calories you eat in a day? I´m really skinny too but I prob eat about 3000 calories a day, but I exercise a HUGE amount. Honestly though, you do look pretty thin.  

  14. you are thin but if you eat properly you dont have an eating disorder, if you are concerned about your weight see your gp, it could be you lack something in your diet.. dont worry so much about what people think about you, they are properly so jealous!!!

  15. you look like you are kinda little

    you might have that body since you were a kid and i think there'll be no problem

    i've got a friend  who eat tons but seems that if she falls she might break!

    i think you might have small bones

    do u eat well?

    you treat yourselve more often and that 'll do

  16. You're just very tiny, to me you don't look unnaturally thin, first off you have very soft features as apposed to a more skeletal appearance, nor does your skin have a grayish hue.  

  17. Almost everyone says the same thing about me, and I hate it :\

    You are really thin, but not scary thin like anorexics get. I'm sure for health purposes you should probably gain some weight... BUT if you're not trying to lose weight, and are happy with how you look and feel, then I don't see a problem.

    Ignore people who tell you that you look anorexic, and just tell them that you're happy with the way you are, and that's what's important.

  18. I think you shouldn't be asking us if you are anorexic, and who cares what people think? If you are eating healthily; and your doctor says you're at a healthy weight there is no problem. End of story =]

  19. i think u are little but not anorexic. u can put on sum pounds. gurl juss eat sum collard greens wit wornbread and sum fried chicken

  20. You look scary skinny. I would recommend you put on a little weight. Sticks are scary!

    On Another Note,

    Why Do People Have To Type Like This?

    Like They Are Typing Some Sort Of Bad Poem?

    With All This Capitalization?

    It Looks Retarded. It Does NOT Make You Look Smarter.

  21. you are definetly skinny, but not anorexic. dont worry about what others think.

  22. Well, anorexic people usually wear baggy clothes, you seem to have style. Don't care what other people say, its just your frame that's small, don't GAIN weight and eat alto of junk food to make you more "fat" go work out and get muscle, just eating a ton isn't going to help you if you have a fast metabolism it was just make you really unhealthy.  

  23. You are a little too skinny. Don't try to loose weight.

    Try to gain 5 pounds. Follow your doctors guidlines if you would like to gain weight.  

  24. You do look a little skinny but some people can't help it. I'm naturally slim to and people always accuse me of having an eating disorder they just don't believe that I eat but I eat loads. Don't let them upset you they are probably just jealous because they can't stay as slim as you.    

  25. You are quite thin however if you are eating normally and not trying to starve yourself to stay that thin then I would say you are not anorexic but it is just your genetic makeup that keeps you thin.  If you obsess about everything you eat or eat very little (or make yourself throw up after eating) then you are anorexic.  

  26. Well, you're not too skinny in my opinion, although everyone I know thinks I'm anorexic too, so I might not be the best judge of weight. But I think as long as you eat healthy and exercise, then it doesn't matter how much you weigh. Everyone has a weight that works for them, and so they shouldn't try to change that, because then it starts to look bad. I think if people think you're anorexic you should just show them that you're not really anorexic, by eating in front of them, and not obsessing about weight. Also, if you think you may be anorexic, then you should talk to your parents.  

  27. You're skinny, but if you eat normal you're not anorexic.*

  28. hun....put asome weight on. and no offense you do look a little skinny.

    i am under weight by like 10 lbs and i look fat!!

  29. you do look quite skinny but as long as you eat properly you should be fine

  30. I haven't looked at the pictures as I feel that you need to decide if they have a point or just ignore them and be happy with your weight.

    If you know deep down you got an eating disorder then your family and friends are telling you that you need help.

    If you eating healthily then don't worry too much as some people find it difficult to put on weight.


  31. Hey,

    You do seem very slim but maybe that bis your natural build. If people are saying you look too thin, maybe you should consider gaining a little weight just so you look more healthy. If you eat a nutritious balanced diet, and do regular exercise and sleep well, I see no way that you are unhealthy. if its getting you down, go to your doctor just for advice to look better.

    Good Luck!

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