
Help Me Please!!??!!?

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i have a third nipple and everyone at school calls me trip-nip what should i do??




  1. Just go along with it, say, three are better than two! Make light of it and everyone will probably forget about it. Kids can be cruel at times, I wish you luck.

  2. Here are two possibilities:

    1) Embrace your new nickname. There is nothing wrong with having a third nipple, it is just unusual. If you start responding to the nickname as if it were normal, then it will eventually become just a "tradition," and it won't be so humorous to others. You could also get your friends to call you "Trip" for short, which will encourage others to call you this instead. It's a less revealing nickname, and kinda cool-sounding, too.

    2) If the name-calling REALLY bothers you (and I can completely relate to that), then explain the problem to your mom and see if she would be willing to consult a plastic surgeon in your area to discuss removal of the third nipple.  The procedure is completely safe, but the surgeon will be able to answer all your questions (especially, "How much does it cost?")

    Hang in there!

  3. how did any one know you had a another nipple?

  4. Well, your just different and that's cool! Being unique is ALWAYS better!
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