
Help Me Plz!?

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I need to find info on a dinosaur for a two page report and so far only have one. It's the Quaesitosaurus.




  1. Well this is a hard one but there is a great website it is

    it is the best

  2. Quaesitosaurus was a huge, long-necked, whip-tailed, plant-eating dinosaur that was found in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. This sauropod dinosaur lived during the late Cretaceous Period, roughly 85-80 million years ago. Quaesitosaurus may be the same as Nemegtosaurus.

    Diet: Quaesitosaurus was an herbivore (it ate only plants) that had peg-like teeth. It must have eaten a tremendous amount of plant material each day to sustain itself. It swallowed leaves whole, without chewing them, and may have had gastroliths (stomach stones) in its stomach to help digest tough plant material. The blunt teeth were useful for stripping foliage.

    Anatomy: This dinosaur probably had good hearing. Quaesitosaurus' skull was long and had a wide snout and a large ear opening. The peg-like teeth were adapted for eating soft food, perhaps aquatic plants. Quaesitosaurus may have been about 75 feet (23 m) long.

    Name: Quaesitosaurus (meaning "abnormal or extraordinary lizard") was named by Kurzanov and Bannikov in 1983.


    Quaesitosaurus (meaning "extraordinary lizard") is a genus of titanosaurian sauropod found by Kurzanov and Bannikov in 1983. The type species is Quaesitosaurus orientalis. Quaesitosaurus grew to 23 meters long. It lived from 85 to 70 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous (Santonian to Campanian ages). Its fossils, consisting solely of a partial skull, were found in the Barun Goyot Formation near Shar Tsav, Mongolia. Long, low and horse-like with frontally located peg-teeth, it is similar enough to the skulls of Diplodocus and its kin to have prompted informed speculation that the missing body was formed like those of diplodocids.

    It is possible that Nemegtosaurus, also known from only skull material, is a very close relative of Quaesitosaurus, if not indeed a variation of the same animal.


    Fossil range: Late Cretaceous

    Scientific classification

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Sauropsida

    Superorder: Dinosauria

    Order: Saurischia

    Suborder: Sauropodomorpha

    Infraorder: Sauropoda

    Superfamily: Titanosauroidea

    Family: Nemegtosauridae

    Genus: Quaesitosaurus

    Kurzanov & Bannikov, 1983
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