
Help Me!! Scary Red Marks!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was playing with my glass cup and sucked my mouth in and I made it as tight as it would go then my brother is like you have red marks under your mouth. they look a bit like pimples except they're smooth. i have them in the corner of my mouth, chin, and under both sides of my mouth!! they're starting to help a little bit now. I also had them for like 5 minutes. How do I get rid of them. Will this be permanent? Please no stupid comments like you're an idiot. Trust me I know. Also I heard that hickeys take awhile to go away and can cause cancer because the blood clots, do you think this is similar to that?




  1. If i want to be veary Honest with you than i think you will get Rid of those marks before you will get a reasonable answer from Yahoo members. Heheh so, don't freak out my friend did this one while we watched on movie he still had it in the marks in the end of the movie so we watched another and before those movie finished the marks where gone. So man don't worry they Will go off. :D  

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