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the sum of my myopic in my eyes are about -10. i need for am examination that this errro in my eyes are -10.5 or more. is there anyway to accomplish this? by the way they use 2 drops in examination that open the eyes completely and use machines to assess the errors in eyes.




  1. I can't comprehend what you're trying to say here.

  2. An Rx above 10 is uncommon, but not so surprising that any normal qualified examiner can't handle it. (My Rx gets to -13.50)

    Autorefraction *alone* does not make for a good examination, especially on the higher powers: there should always be a manual confirmation of th Rx if a refracting computer is used.

    With high powers and spectacles the distance from your eyes to the test lenses becomes important.  Your Rx should include specification of  this "vertex distance" and if this is different in your chosen spectacles, the dispenser should know how to compensate for that.

    Not a problem for you, if you're going to competent people.

    A range of high-index lenses are available to make your glasses thinner: they look better but cost more.

    The thinnest lenses are in glass, but many people prefer plastic lenses for weight and safety.  (I wear 1.8 and 1.9 index glass lenses.)

    The general rule for anyone with a high Rx: the smallest frames *that look good on you* will give the best final result.

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