
Help Mums. Can anyone tell me what age size 4 infant shoes fit?

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I bought these cute little boys shoes on special from K-Mart but am not sure what age they suit. (Australia)




  1. My son is 1 year old today and i bought him some trainers for his birthday which are a size 4

  2. really depends on the kid not the shoe

    my daughter is almost 4 and wears a 7 which most kids wear at 2

    she was in a 4 at 2

  3. well my daughther 15 months and she still wears size 4..

  4. size 4 is usually pre walker sizes....I would say around a year old depending on how large the baby is.

  5. 6-9 or 9-12 months i cant remember exactly which but my daughter is a 4 and she is 9 1/2 months

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