
Help! My 10 month old does not enjoy a stroller ride.?

by Guest62828  |  earlier

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I don't understand because my other kids loved a stroller ride.I don't know if she is just spoiled and prefers to be carried.Any other moms go through this?My arms get so tired.




  1. the baby loves to be hold, becasue the baby fills safe around the person they know... and dads go thought this too...

  2. If your child dont like a stroller you could maybe try a wagon. Or a back Carrier or something to the effect of that. Hope you find somthing that works for you and your little one. Good Luck!

  3. then dont take her on one

  4. Babies love human contact, the more times you take her in your arms when she crys in the stroller - the more she'll cry in the stroller because she thinks its how she gets your attention.

    If you really want her to ride the stroller you'll need to give her tough love and not pick her up when she starts to cry.

  5. I think you are just going to have to be strict with her,  she likes being carried because she can be close to you.  Most kids would choose to be carried than ride in a stroller where they are strapped in.

    But truely do you really want to be carrying her around everywhere, and she's only going to get bigger/heavier.  

    Just strap her in, if she crys just ignore it, she will get use to it.  If you cave in every time and pick her up, she will get to know that all she has to do is cry and you will pick her up.  A little tough love works wonders.  Also try some things to keep her entertained in the pram like a toy or book or something that can be attached.

    I know its hard, but in the end you will be a lot better off, and no sore back or arms.  Same goes for when you go out without a pram, they have to learn to walk, not be carried everywhere - thats why they have legs and feet.  Just give them a rest every now and again.  Maybe a little treat if they don't winge etc at the end of the outing (but only if they are good - don't give in or again your just making it harder on yourself.)

    Good Luck.

  6. What kind of Stroller is it and how is she sitting in it. And how is she in the CAR? Cause Babies who do like these rides might be experiencing motion sickness. My Sister screamed her head off in the car, the stroller and anything that moved and now she is almost 12 and has really bad motion sickness. its something to think about..Maybe push her in the stroller for a little bit then carry her then back in the stroller, and put some fun toys for her to play with. Good Luck!

  7. My son went through a phase like this at exactly the same age. I looked everywhere for a pram that faced me as i was pushing him. Whilst i was still looking for one, i noticed he just stopped moaning all of the time. I guess he was just going through a phase.

  8. My daughter didn't like the stroller either as a baby. I don't think babies can be spoiled. The idea that you should be "strict" with a 10 mo. old is crazy. Babies all have different needs and some need more holding. There's a whole philosophy about the benefits of "babywearing." Here's a link to a discussion group:

    Invest in a sling or Ergo (or Bjorn) carrier. Your baby will thank you and you will thank yourself for not fighting the nature of your child.

    Each of the baby carriers I mentioned fits differently. I liked the sling and Ergo better than the Bjorn because even at 15 lbs, the baby was too heavy. The Ergo distributes the weight so well, that I still use it with my 2.5 y.o. You can wear it on the front or as a backpack.

    If you look it up on the internet, you will find a lot of raves about it.

  9. well I had the same problem with my daughter. As soon as she turned 9 months, she started crying her head off every time I put her in her stroller. I kept on carrying her and it put a lot of strain on my back. Then after she turned one I started explaining to her that if she doesn't sit in her stroller we are not going anywhere. in the beginning she used to cry for few seconds and then would shut up and now she goes and sits in her stroller when she wants to go out. Good luck...

  10. Well don't carry her every place. To bad so sad, she is going to have to seperate from you some day! Make sure there is nothing causing her to become uncomfortable in her stoller, make sure the sun is out of her eyes, and let her bring a toy to keep her occupied.

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