This is the one toddler problem I always hoped to avoid! My son is 27 mths old and started 'painting' with the contents of his nappy when he was about 20 mths. He first did this a few times then stopped at 23 mths when his brother was born (I think this indicates it is not an attention seeking problem, and it is not related to anything else in his life.) He started again recently - will do it when alone for even a minute (tv looked beautiful a little while ago!) or in a bedroom for a nap (beautiful paintings in my mums very white room last week). I honestly think he does it because he can't resist and just loves doing it. He speaks very well and reasons quite well which makes it even more frustrating - he'll say "no touching poos mummy, ok!?" and then when he does, "sorry mummy!" and is very upset before I can even say anything, so he knows he shouldn't. He does not take his nappy off, just reaches in. He'll go a week without, then do it again. We've tried so many things - help!