
Help My 5 month old wont eat savoury food!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have perservered for a month now and he still wont eat savoury foods, the only savoury he likes is the Ellas Kitchen range which only has 3 different flavours. I am frightened to feed him only this as he may get too used to it and never eat anything else. Any advice anyone please !!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Relax.  He is only 5 months old.  I strictly nursed my daughter until she hit 6 months and then slowly started with oatmeals and rice cereals...then gradually worked more foods in according to what her peditrician (and growth/food charts) recommended for her age.  My daughter is 2 now and eats a variety of things, always willing to try something new but she has her favorites such as Alfredo, eggs, and hot dogs.  Take it slow and let him work on one flavor at a time.  With time he'll develop a taste for more things but in the mean time feed him what is appropriate for his age in addition to what he likes.  Best wishes!

  2. Hes only 5 months old , i didnt start feeding my son solids until he was abou 6 1/2 mths if he doesnt like it now dont force him let him eat the savory food he likes but every week or so try him with something difference eventually his tastebuds will develop more, kids tastebuds change all the time, my son used to love bannana and then one day he decided he didnt any more, i find not forcing him to eat what he doesnt want but at the same time making sure he has a balanced diet works. Trust me I had the same issue not that long ago with my son if you try to force them they just get themselves stressed cos someones trying to force feed them something they dont want and then you get stressedbecause they wont eat.

  3. Don't worry. Your son is still very young - a lot of people still exclusively breastfeed a five month old. At this age his sense of taste is not yet as developed as that of an adult. It is absolutely normal that he'd prefer sweet food, since breast milk is sweet  and that is what he is set up to eat at his age.  - just feed him now what he likes and try something new once a week (you can try reintroducing it later, if he does not like it.). Eventually, his sense of taste will develop more and he'd be interested in other foods as well.

  4. Why should the child like savoury food anyway.  I hate it.  what is wrong with just ordinary food.  A childs tastes are not adult ones like yours.

  5. He's 5 MONTHS OLD! How many teeth does he have, maybe 1 or 2?

  6. Hes only 5 months old theres no rush for your little one to love everything, at 5 months i was feeding my kids, baby rice, formula milk , yoghurts, breast milk and baby fruit, dont force him to eat things hes still only tiny, good luck xx

  7. This might sound disgusting but I used to mix foods together a spoonful of sweet followed by a spoonful of savoury

  8. Your child is only 5 month, his tastes buds are still getting used to everything, leave it for a while and try again when he is a bit older, you don't want to force it down him otherwise he will never get the taste for it!!!! Give him a chance!!! All the best

  9. If you have just now started introducing baby foods to your son then now is the time you have to introduce flavors to them because it is how they develop a pallate for later. I did it with my son and he LOVES all kinds of flavors and foods now at 15 months old.  At 5 months be sure things are pureed well and smooth so they don't choke and that they can swallow without pushing their tongue out when they do swallow.

    Try putting a little pumpkin pie spice in sweet potatoes. Not alot mind you, just enough to give it some taste.

    Try pureed banana with applesauce mixed together.

    Applesauce also mixes well with pureed peaches, apricots, mango, pears and even pineapple or plums.

    Introduce some fruit puffs or cheerios for him to try and pick up and eat as snacks.Those dissolve fairly easily in their mouth even when they are just getting teeth or not and are easy for them to "gum and swallow".  My son loved them from about 5 months to about 9 months when he didn't want them anymore. He still loves the multigrain cheerios and other cheerios though. I never let him have the sugary ones.

    You can cook baby carrots with a little ginger (and you won't need much) and then puree the carrots. It gives them a sweet taste and the ginger makes it easy on their tummy.

    Limit and avoid salt right now because infants have a hard time digesting it and breaking it down in their systems, but a little flavor added in isn't going to hurt.

    My son ate that way from an early age and now he loves mexican foods, asian food and an entire range of flavors, even some with some spice to it.  He's 15 months old and he eats better than most kids his age.  the only foods he has off limits now are nuts, popcorn (he could choke) and shellfish/seafood (with the exception of white fish).  People have always commented what a sophisticated pallate he has for his age and what a good eater he is as a result.

    Also, don't lose heart, new foods need to be introduced an average of 12-15 times to some kids before they decide they like them or will try them, so don't give up. He's at the age he's just starting to experience solid food and it's a new texture to him as well with baby foods so give it time. He'll come around eventually and be eating you out of house and home soon :)

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