
Help My Fan Tail Fish is Sitting at the Bottom?

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I woke and saw that my fantail was sitting at the botton of the bowl and we had just bought him yesterday and got him some pebbles for his "house".I found him laying at the bottom with his eyes open.My mom said that he was dead.So she told me to put him in a cup with water and put some plastic wrap over the cup,so we can bring the body back to the store and ask for a refund.So I did then I read that it was probably ammonia.So I plopped the fish back into his "house",but I'm worried that the fridge might have killed him.Please help me bring my fish to life.Oh and my other fish keeps on coming up to the surface to breath.PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!(they're both fan tail's)




  1. Sounds like your not getting enough oxygen into your tank...I would recommend if they are in a small bowl or tank, upgrade to at least 20-30 gallons, your saying "fantail" so I'm assuming that they are goldfish, goldfish can grow large and will outgrow a small aquarium fast. If he should happen to pass, take him back & the new fish, get your money back, and wait until you can afford a larger aquarium, look in garage sales, craigslist, local newspaper ads for used large deals! Also keep an eye on the goldfish, mine gulped down a large gravel and couldn't get it out, I had to take him out of the tank and remove it with a pair of tweezers. He did that twice...

  2. Are they Betta fish? If they are, the one that you thought was dead probably is dead for good from being in the fridge, sorry, but as for the other one, it's ok that it's breathing air (if it's a betta).  Bettas are known as "Labryinth" fish and that means they have a special organ called the Labryinth organ on their head that enables them to breath air from the surface. They have that organ because their gills aren't able to bring in enough oxygen for them to survive so you don't need to worry about him breathing air. That's what's supposed to happen.

  3. They're in a bowl, problem number one.

    Please, please, please buy them a proper tank.

    One with a filter, airator and room to move.. They won't die.

    A bowl is too small for one fantail, let alone two.

    That's your problem.

    Don't bother taking them from the store, they'll tell you it's ammonia poisoning. If you left the fish in the refrigerator for an extended period, chances are it is dead. If it's not moving when you touch him or his gills aren't moving, he's dead, take him out of the tank immediately- It will quickly poison the rest of the bowl.

  4. I'm assuming since they're fantails that they're fancy guppies. The best thing to do is before you buy a new fish is to always find out what killed it and that you clean out the tank. Only Betas have a special organ that allows them to breathe straight from the air, i don't think any other fish can do that. That's when you need to get a tank. An underground filter would work too. Just get the fish out of the bowl.

    I'm sorry but, i don't think that you can bring him/her back to life. But, like a mentioned that you should at least get a small tank for the fish because they don't have that special organ. ( I forget what it's called. It like labyrinth or something like that) But getting a tank might save the little fishy from dying. I'm sorry about your fish =[. But, good luck though!

  5. well if its a fantail goldfish it should be ok in the cold water from the fridge. did you just set up the tank and add fish right away? and i wouldnt put him in a bowl. you should get him a 10gal tank with filtration and all. make sure you dechlorinated the tap water if thats what you used.  

  6. Well when you go back to the store, return the live fish also. Then buy a proper aquarium because I am guessing all you have is a bowl. Get at least a 30 gallon if you want two goldfish. Buy a filter, I have one meant for a 70 gallon on my 30 gallon for my fantail. Then add some fish food everyday so it rots to create ammonia in the tank so the beneficial bacteria will form. This is a version of "cycling". Wait 4 weeks at least for it to be properly done. Then go back and buy fish. A bowl is not a proper place for a fish. Goldfish need water movement to breath.  

  7. If there is no movement from your fish - at all - then he probably is dead .... watch his gills - are they moving? No? then he's not breathing.

    All fish breathe through their mouths - their bodies take in the oxygen from the water and the water is then pushed back out through their gills - so look at his gills and see if he's breathing.  If he is moving then you may need to do a couple of things to help him get better:

    change his food - some fish foods can be 'heavy' and make the fish too heavy to swim around properly so they spend a lot of time sitting on the bottom of the tank - talk to the pet shop about other foods you could give your fish. You will also need an aerator. (see below)

    As for your other fish coming to the surface a lot - that's because they need to take in extra air to get the oxygen they need to breathe properly .... your tank or fish bowl doesn't have an aerator does it?  That's probably why your mum said it was ammonia .... that's really fish pee in the water and you need to filter the water to keep it clean - an aerator will help to filter the dirt (fish poo and wee) in the water and put enough oxygen into the water so the fish can breathe!

    I hope your fish gets better soon..... but if it doesn't you will know how to look after your fish better next time.


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