
Help! My Husband's Cousin is Married to a Witch!?

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Okay I have a serious problem. My husband's cousin is married to a really strict woman. Like, she makes up stories about him haivng a gf. She would come up to him and say "I saw you with your ex at the mall" when he was at home all night; just to see what he'd say. And he walked past a woman who had a sparkly purse and he looked and his wife stopped and made him march back home!

She won't let him go to work without her calling every two hours because he has a female assistant. She opens his mail. She refuses to cook for him, saying that another woman probably does (this is Lebanon by the way----the only women who'd cook for him are his sisters, mother and aunts)

So the girl asked me for advice, since my husband and I have a happy marriage. She is also pregnant and wants a happy marriage too. How can I tell her that her jealousies and imagination are what's ruining her marriage?




  1. Just tell her the truth, It's gonna help her right? :-)

  2. She obviously doesn't trust him, and shes right to. He has done something to her to make her feel she cant trust him. He shouldn't even be glancing at other women when he is with his wife! And what guy looks at another womans purse, only g*y guys and females care about purses! Sounds like he was making up an excuse because he got caught staring. Your cousins wife deserves a more loyal man, as far as I can see is your cousin is a cheater, if not cheater he is a looker. . Naturally your going to take your cousins side.

  3. Tell her her jealousy and imagination is ruining her marriage....put it to her a lil bit nicely??? =)


  4. If she is so horrible, I wouldn't have a problem saying right out what her problem is. Tell her that being so suspicious especially when there is no cause to is unislamic. Tell her to first start carrying out her duties as a wife. This guy must be really nice if he puts up with this. Inshallah she'll change :)

  5. He probably is cheating on her if she saw them. I'm on her side.

  6. just tell her in a nice way. first you can start by saying well please dont be offended but i am trying to help you. just listen to what i have to say, think about it and later we can discuss it.  then continue to tell her that she is a good person for trying and that its great to see that she is trying to make things better. tell her that is a good sign that she is a good person. u should try to give good points about her so she won't feel defensive when u do point out someof her  mistakes. then ask her what does she think about her husband. then ask her why does she think like that about him. she might have a valid reason as to why she is so jealous. then continue to tell her that even if she has valid points she needs to let go of her resentments, move on and she will find happiness. tell her that living a life where u are suspecious of everyone is not a good life to live at all and she needs to stop for herself and her husband. tell her how u deal with issues of jealousy with ur husband.  

    me personally i usto to be kind off suspicious but what i did to stop is to stop thinking so much, stop analyzing things, if the man says he's out with his friends and he will call u when comes back give that guy a change to show u he is trust worthy. cause the truth is that if a guy wants to do u wrong no matter how u check up on him or monitor his every move he will do it. no point of torturing urself of what could happen until it does happen. but this is me i dont know if this would be any good for her.

    so contunue the conversation like this pointing out, use general terms, that her actions are making things worse. she might be creating a self-fufilling prophecy.. also make it clear that in order to be happy she HAS to stop there is no other way. all she is doing is driving herself crazy and building resentment for her husband to hate her.

  7. yup i agree wit Mintee

    she is insurance wit ur brother

    and call her a witch isnt really nice

    she is too cling at this point

    may be u should try to talk to her and tell her

    but be respectfully she is apart of ur family now

    u should just tell straight up but like i said respect fully

    hope this helps...

  8. my mother always said

    "The guilty speaks first"

    Maybe this wife is insecure and guilty and therefore putting all her emotions off on the other..

    maybe she is having a fling and so to make herself justified, she blames him for everything and stirs up controversy to put the attention elsewhere..

    hmm? look at her activities more..

  9. Just be honest and open about it.  The truth might end up saving her marriage.

  10. u can tell about ur life and u can let her know that ur hubby lives with his own will rather than u calling every other 2 hrs at work and she should stop pushing him around and she needs to trust him and not amuse that he is cheating on her

    hope this helps

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