
Help! My I think my sister is Belimic (spelling??) she goes to the bathroom and throws up after dinner!!??

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My older sis is worried about her weight so I think she goes to the bathroom after eating and throws up! Today she puked a small amount of blood and I'm worrying the amount of stomach acid she is desposing of is burning her asophagus. Can this kill you?




  1. Yes get her help now. Tell your Mom and Dad so they know what's going on in your sister life. They would know what to do and If not go found someone who can. She made be mad now but later on she will love you more because she know you save her life.

  2. Yes it can seriously hurt you. Less food means that the body is digesting itself. She needs help. The blood thing kinda sounds unhealthy also. ANY eating disorder is BAD.

  3. You do need to tell your parents right away and try talking to your sister don't tell he you talked to your parents and try talking to her about it and tell her you Love her no mater what  

  4. She may be having the psycho disorders "Bulimia Nervosa" or "Bulimia anorexia"..She needs help urgently. Take her to a psycho analyst or atleast a GP first. This is a dangerous trend among young girls. Due to pressures of keeping their bodies like the latest skinny models or actresses. It is said that Princess Diana had this eating disorder.

  5. First off , your a caring sister, How long has she been doing this for, tell your parents about this or try telling your sister how nice she looks in outfits that she wears,  

  6. You may feel like it's going behind her back, but you need to tell your parents about this and go from there.  If she is mad, tell her it's because you love her and are worried about her.  There is a fine line that bulimic people cross between "watching their weight" and spiraling into something dangerous, and you are right...her going into the bathroom after meals and sounding like she's getting sick in there is a sign of this.  After a long period of time with this it can kill you.  The stomach acid erodes your esophogus and even the enamel on your teeth.  It also causes stress on the heart and deprives the body of nutrition.  This won't happen tomorrow, but it happens slowly over a period of years.

    Your parents are going to have to get serious help for her.  Bulemia is something that some people struggle with for years and the eating disorder mentality can last a lifetime.  Reassure her that she is beautiful, and be admiring of her other non-physical traits (like talents or personal qualities).  If she's doing this, she will need therapy, and your parents can make sure she gets it.

  7. No, you should stay out of her business.  

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