
Help!!! My Kindergartener is going to be kicked out of school on his 3rd day!?

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My 5 year old does not have any interest in school what so ever. He is ADHD and gets bored very easily. On his 3rd day of school his teacher called me and told me he refused to draw in art class and refused to pick a book out at a bookfair. She also said he is withdrawn from the rest of the class. I explained he is attached to me and just doesnt wanna be there and he gets bored easily due to his ADHD. Her solution was to put him on a behavioral chart. (he is not bad just bored) I had a talk with him that night and he promised to do better. Well the next day he went to school and he cried for and hour straight stating he just wanted to go home. And instead of the teacher calling me to tell me she just sat him by himself and told him he is a baby and needs to be a big boy! I was furious.... I dont know what to do with him. When i asked him why he doesnt like school he just says his teacher is boring and he liked his old teacher better (pre-k teacher) which is the another teacher kindergarten teacher there...




  1. yea, that teacher isnt handleing the situation very well.  it takes kids a little while to get used to school and having to follow rules and rutines.  you should have a meeting with the teacher and see if you can work something out.  maybe there are things that you could suggest to help with the problem, after all you know your best.  if that doesnt work, speak with the principal

    take the next step and have a meeting with the superintendant.  even if your child is just being a brat, there is no way they can determine that after 3 days.

  2. I love junk like this.  Another parent who thinks, all her kid's problems are medical related.  Guess what?  Don't you think it could be PARENTING.  For generations, kids have lived without medicine or even a term for "ADHD", because parents actually would actually discipline their child, and not leave him infront of a TV for hours per day.

    Fact is, you're responsible, not some medical condition.  Teach your child that, he has to do what he's told.  ADHD or not, he'll do it, if you MAKE HIM.

  3. If your child is incapable of functioning in an ordinary class, then he needs to be in a special class. ADHD is not an excuse so he can be in an ordinary class but not be held to ordinary standards.

    I don't see what your problem is here. You can't have it both ways. Either your child has a medical problem which means he can't cope, or he doesn't and you need to tell him that he has to do what he is asked at school. Of course he's bored - he's refusing to do anything!

  4. the headteacher should give the teacher a lesson. his teacher is making too quick of an assumption about him! i think this is pretty outrageous. you need a serious talk with the headteacher and say if this doesn't change, you'll take him out of the school and into another. if he has learning difficulties that have been assessed and proven, he should be getting help for this and have the support of the teacher, not her harsh words and she is blatently judging him. if she can't control the class, that's her problem, and she should be sacked for not doing her job. put in some sort of complaint.

    for now, could you get your kid some ritalin to help him concentrate? just focus on what you can do to help him, even if its not getting the teacher sacked. tell him how important school is etc. and give him rewards for staying in school a whole day. you could do a chart with him to help him focus on staying in school and concentrating.

    best of luck

  5. Hi...I've taught K for 4 years.  ADHD is common in school and its quite obvious to teachers whether we're dealing with it or a parenting issue.  ADHD affects kids can be a hyper or withdrawn case where the kid simply can't focus or withdrawn case where the kid can't focus.  ADD/ADHD kids do require a special personality to meet their needs. is my advise from a teacher standpoint.  It is not appropriate to put a child in a special needs class on the 3rd day with no testing or severe behavioral concerns, and by this I mean fighting, self-destructing, classroom destruction, ect.  As far as the teacher goes, she is stressed at the beginning of the year and if she can't handle him then request a transfer before its too much for both him or a new teacher to handle.  We often have 22+ kids at the beginning of the year and when one does cause a significant variation it takes time and mental energy to deal with.  Parents don't like to hear that their child is causing difficulties but if he or she is, accept it and deal with it instead of blaming the teacher.  He actually sounds pretty calm compared to what I've dealt with in the past!   For the mom, I suggest meeting with your teacher and child at the same time...request a counselor or special ed facilitator if they are available.   You need to discuss WITH HIM what needs to change and ask the boy how he can be helped.  The meeting is not about mom or teacher, its about the kid.  It's called a child-centered conference.  He needs to express his concerns and understand what actions he is dong are causing problems.  Talk with him, not to him.  Kinder is the beginning of social independence, so take a step back mom and be an advocate and not a apron.  You are not with him during the day and he has to learn how to deal with things on his own or he'll still be living with you at age 22 and you will be paying all his bills and packing his lunch.  I don't say this to sound offensive but to make my point that he makes his decisions and has to be responsible for them, not you.  I've pissed off my share of parents with this opinion over the years but the pride they find when they see their child succeeding on his or her own brings them around again!  So...don't let them put your child in a special ed room.  Be an advocate for your child but realize that its the teacher's and your son's responsibility to work this out and you are just a guiding hand in it al.        

  6. i do not think you need to do something for the kid

    it is the teacher that needs a "Talk"

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