
Help My Piercing Is Oozing Milky Fluid

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I got my right eyebrow pierced July 3, 2008. It was a little swollen in the beginning, but thats about it.

Then just now I was squeezing it and milky fluid started oozing from it. I've been noticing my eye is still a little puffy under the piercing.

Is this ok? It's not itching or bleeding. I feel fine.




  1. should consult a doctor about it..

    it will get a lot more serious if you let it be..

    that oozing milk is a sign of infection..

    don't listen to the piercer..consult a physician..

  2. Go to the pharmacy. Show them your eyebrow and ask what kind of cream to put on it to stop the fluid.  they will advise you. then try that out. if the swelling doesn't get better in a couple or days.. make an appoinment with your doctor..  xx

  3. it sounds like you have an infection

    if you get some spray  savalon its an anti-septic solution and quite cheap

    spray over your piercing and move your ring/bar so the solution can get inside of the wound and also use a cotton bud to rub solution on both the top and bottom of the wound do this at least 3 times a day and the infection will soon be gone.

    i done this with my navel piercing and it worked

    hope it heals up soon x

  4. clean it!

  5. I cleaned my belly button ring with water mixed with sea salt. and also peroxide.jist put a q-tip in it and then clean the eyebrow

  6. 2 words Doctor and Antibiotics  

  7. It's infected.  Like other posters have suggested clean it several times a day and salt water soaks will help also.  Whatever you do, DO NOT LET THE PIERCING CLOSE before the infection is gone.  If it doesn't clear up in a few days, you need to see a doctor. Good luck!

  8. It has been a month so it should've been fine. It sounds infected. Clean it using cotton wool and a salt solution (salt in water). if there is no improvement in 2 days go see a doctor

  9. It Seems like you have a small infection,Your best bet is to clean the piercing well with Antibacterial soap and flushing it with warm water twice a day before it gets worse. I have a belly ring and ive had my tongue and lip pierced a few yrs back.

  10. The same thing happened to me when I got my belly button pierced, so as long as the oozing isn't excessive and you make sure to keep it clean, it should be fine. As to what to clean it with, I like to clean my piercings with a product called H2Ocean spray. I got really good results with it and never had an infection. Here's a link to it:

  11. That's pus.

    It's a sign of an infection. I would assume that the piercer gave you a proper care package.

    If not, then I'd recommend that you contact either the piercer or a doctor for proper instructions.

    It could get worse.

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