
Help: My Racist Parents Tried to Kill My GF!!!!!!!!!?

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I am a 16 year old white male and my girlfriend is 15 years old and is of Mexican ethnicity.We have been going out for a while and had unprotected s*x one month ago.

My parents are racists. Both my grandfathers, on my mother and father's side, were n**i supporters and lived in Germany when they were in their mid 20s. After the war, they immigrated to the US where my parents were both born in 1960.

My dad joined the KKK when he was 18 and later became a member of the American n**i Party with my mom.

My dad took me to pro n**i rallies when I was a kid but I never got into it and thought it was too racist. When I started going out with my GF, I knew I couldn't tell me parents, but yesterday, when my GF was secretly over, my parents came home early and found me in my room with her.

My dad flipped and called her a "dirty beaner *******" and chased her out of the house. Dad said he would throw me out if I saw her again.

My GF just texted me and told me she's pregnant.

Now what do I?




  1. What? 30 answers 18 hours ago weren't enough?!

  2. i so hope this is a troll

  3. You could get a case for emancipation. You parents are, no offense, too stupid to raise kids it seems. Anyone who believes their race makes them superior is an unintelligent and unevolved creature.

  4. run away from home, start a new life in mexico with your girlfriend and baby.


    go on jerry springer.

  5. make some money and get an abortion.... dont tell them anything

  6. Oh wow.

    As far as her being pregnant, you need to man up and be there for your girlfriend and the baby.  There are places that can help you and your girlfriend figure out what to do and where to go to help with the baby.

    Good luck.

  7. thanks for the 2 points lardas$

  8. MUARY TIME LOL!!!!!

    um i hope you dont abort the baby.

    just move out get a job and live on the streets for eight months then right before the baby comes get an apartment



  9. runaway!!

  10. tell you parents what you feel about her and that we are all the sames just with diffrent colors if not tell them if they dont understand you can start up an anti racist thing in your community and try to show them about diffrent cultures

  11. u better not leave her!!! dont let ur parents ruin ur love life.....its both yalls fault that shes pregnant u need 2 help her through this me she needs u more than she ever will!!! racism is a big part of our world & it needs to come to a stop!!!

  12. sorry kid,your parents are crule people and i feel bad for them living a life of hatred keep the baby, you later on in life would regret killing something that didnt even have a chance to live,especialy over something as retarded as skin pigmentation sadly your parents will probably flee the contry if obama becomes president,but then it will be up to you and your girlfreind to  raise a beutiful baby together in harmony

  13. Runaway with her and don't ever see your parents again, or kill them if u think they will be a problem

  14. First talk to your gf about how she feels about the baby. Talk about abortions and stuff of that nature. Okay technically they didn't try to kill her. I expected that you we're gonna tell us about how they threatened her or held a knife to her or something. Just tell your parents that you really want to be there for her. Don't say you love her if you don't! But first talk with your girlfriend, afterall she's the pregnant one!

    Okay if this isn't serious: First, get a life. haha and second, wear a d**n condom next time!

  15. You put your g/f in danger for s*x?

    Boy, that was foolish.Even if she was white they should have chased her out.They need to supervise you from now on.They WILL find out eventually and when they do.All I can say is I am glad I'm not in your shoes.Hwoever looks like you'll be paying child support for a kid you  probably will never get to see until after you are 18.You also screwed that aby;s life up to son.I am not coming down on you to be a jerk.I am telling you this to make you realize what you did was WRONG,NOT because she is mexican that has NOTHING to do with it,but because you are  in NO POSITION to raise a baby and neither is she.Do NOT repeat this mistake again.You wait until you are married ok?

  16. Wow I Never Heard Such A Story. I'm Part Black, Filipino, Salvadorian, American. I Have Dated A White German Man before and when I Met His Parents they also Disliked me because I Was Colored and Christian. I Kinda Feel the Expeirence that your Girlfriend is going thourgh and your Parents doesn't like her, Tell them Off and Go Move out somewhere with her or friends and Don't abort or Kill the baby. If I Were you, I Wouldn't talk to your parents because f they want you to be Happy they will let you date her. We are People in Harmony. We All Diserve RESPECT. Go Live Happily Ever After With your Girlfriend and Baby and Live in Harmony and Also Get A Job. Now that I'm not dating the White German Kid because His Parents called Me The "N" Word and Now I'm Happy with my Boyfriend Now.

    Good Luck Kiddo and Be Carful.

  17. what a load of bullshit

  18. holy ****!! get out of that place asap!!

    you have a kid on the way now, if anything you need to throw yourself out and if possible move in with her.  that is not a safe environment for her, you, and the new baby.

  19. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...   i am black and this is funny...jajajajajajjaja   tell you dad guess what.........areva la rosa

  20. lol you're funny man.

  21. Listen to your parents son and ask her to have a abortion! My bet your a lying liberal trying to make white people look bad I looked at your prior questions it's all a lie

  22. racists. woah.

    I would HATE bring a parent to school day if i were you.


    What your dad did was just CRUEL move out and take care of your child if you love her I say be with her and your child. WHO CARES what your dad said.

  23. Thats a good story though, kudos!

  24. your parents are going to disown you, kick you out of the house and never talk to you again.

  25. yea that sounds too horrible to be true. if it is true you and her might want to start running for canada or mexico. idk just go somewhere. to her family probably and away form yours

  26. what you need to do is tell your parents that you are sick of them treating your gf like that...then you need to tell your gf that everything is going to be ok...(do you really want to abandon your child because of your racist parents?)

  27. I remember the last time this troll question came out.  Ok so here's what u do, tell ur skinhead daddy to whistle dixie until the problem is solved.  Thank you and good day.

  28. tell your parents, and good luck raising the child.

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