
Help!!! My brother thinks I'm an idiot?

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My brother thinks that he is smarter than me and that I am ditzy and unintelligent. I think that he is even starting to make my parents believe the same thing. For example, I was learning how to drive today and he was there too, and he was saying that he knows more about how to drive than me and he is only 12. (I am 15). He also thinks his IQ is better than mine and is a lot more intelligent than me. He gets C's and D's while I have A's and A+'s in school...hello!! My questions are: why does he think he is smarter than me? and How can I make him actually believe that I am not an idiot?




  1. Your brother has some self worth problems and needs counciling......  He tears you down to build himself up....  You could play Jedi mind games with him and convince him he's the greatest and smartest...... Then play on his insecuritys..... I find weak minded people with psuedo big egos are actualy quite easy to manipulate

  2. You are talking about sibling rivalry here, sweetie.  Brothers are just like that especially at 12.  He may also feel inadequet due to his grades are much lower than yours so he is trying to make you feel as he does when he brings home those kind of grades.

    It is not that he truly believes he is smarter than you he just wants you to believe he is.  Maybe in some way he is trying to get some positive feedback to assure him that he is smart.  As for making him not think you're an idiot, well, just wait a few more years, he'll be coming to you for advice and even though you will have your moments you'll find you will be friends in the end.

  3. he's your younger brother, he's bound to say stuff like that.

    You just have to make sure you don't take his comments on board. Prove him wrong. You said yourself already that you get A's at school. So looks like your already proving him wrong.

    Just remember not to believe him.

  4. Doesn't matter what he believes. He trying to belittle you to build himself up. You need to point out that talk is cheap and if he were so smart, he'd be getting better grades. After that the best thing to do is ignore him until he dries up and blows away.

  5. Just ignore him, he maybe just jealous of you.  Don't take it to heart and relish in the fact that you are tops and will always be doing things better and quicker than he will...

  6. Do you act clumsy ? Well, tell ur parents and him you are not an idiot and prove that his grades suck and your grades rule. Y=I'm 12 but I am not that mean o.0 Intresting brother you have. I'm a girl. If he has such bad tgrades than why doesn't your parents do something about it. It's his education for peets sake ! Keep goin man. You got great grades. I am an A and B person.  Mostly A's =)

  7. If he thinks that he is so smart see if he can do your homework, most likely that will get him to shut up.  But it's really just a stage that all kids go through.  He just wants to make you feel dumb and see if he can get to you.

  8. Why make him believe -just continue achieving as you have done to date. Action speaks louder than words :). next time he says/does something to upset you just, give him a big smile, maybe a hug, kiss on a cheek but definitely tousle his hair -that will make him realize that you consider his words just a big joke! He will be much irritated by your lack of response but will love you for it later in life. Be strong!

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