
Help!!!!!!!! My cousin is

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whenever me and my cousin are with my friends and family, she is always putting me down and making me look as if I am stupid. I know that I did not graduate from college like her and I don't have a job like her but I am happy with my life and my achievements.

The other day my husband asked me why anytime she is around she tries to make me look dumb?

I want to tell her but then I know there will be a next time when she is making her smart remarks and I want to tell her then. What should I do?




  1. first try to talk to her nicely if she continued annoying u with her comments ignore her

  2. Tell her you don't enjoy her making remarks about you.  Ask her why she feels that it is necessary to put you down.  

  3. God I hate people like that hun. She tries to make you look small in order to make herself seem so much more important.

    Truth of the matter is hun, your cousin is jealous of you, that's why she feels the need to belittle you infront of an audience of family members.

    Your husband could help you out with her though, he could tell her " Don't you dare speak to my wife in that manner, exactly who the h**l do you think you are ? "

    That will really un-nerve your cousin.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  4. Confront her about it and tell her how you feel.

  5. Talk to her

  6. treat her with kindness

  7. just  tell  them

  8. I agree with about all the answers, but I would also add that, if your cousin is going to continue to be negative, you will have to spend your time with other's who reflect positivity. Cousin or not, that behavior is not good for anyone. Keep your chin up..and think positive!!

  9. Tell her to stop!If she doesn't pull your friends away from her and kick her out in a nice way away from you and then tell her well now you can chit chat with your diploma that is hanging her wall!

  10. She probably wants to make herself look better.

    Just ask her why she is doing this. People like that are annoying.

    Good luck.

  11. My cousin ticked me off and I just confronted him and told him how I felt inside. You should tell her that you are happy with how things are and don't appreciate your cousin's comments. Just speak up. Tell your cousin how she is making you feel.

  12. speak to her about it, maybe she don't realise what she is doing is really getting you down.  just tell her that if she cant say anything positive about you that you'd appreciate it if she didn't comment at all as it is very hurtful and embarrassing i would imagine. good luck!

  13. It sounds to me like she is jealous of you. Sure she may be more "successful" in her career or graduating from college, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is happy with her life like you are. Has your relationship with your cousin always been a one-sided competition of sorts? Or maybe she has this attitude with everyone she talks to? If your husband is noticing how she puts you down and makes you look stupid, chances are other people notice too.

    My advice I guess would be to just talk to her. Maybe she doesn't notice how badly she treats you. Sternly tell her how you feel and if she doesn't respect your feelings and change, you could perhaps work up some confidence and learn some combacks or witty remarks, or maybe say things to put her down too. Sometimes all it takes is to be contradicted or be made to feel stupid to fully understand how it feels to the other person. I'm not talking revenge here, but being embarrassed once or twice could get her to understand how you feel.

    Anyway, good luck with this! And I hope the next time you see her things work out.

  14. tell your cousin to stop and if they dont stop hanging with them all u need to do is stand up to them

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