
Help! My cubicle neighbor is driving me Crazy!! How do I politely tell her I don't want to hear her negativity

by Guest58562  |  earlier

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and non-existing problems!!! SHe want's people to feel sorry for her and she' nothing but a grown up spoiled brat! I try to use body language to let her know I don't want to hear her whine!! and it doesn't work she' so NEEDY and I have a headache today...our company is going through changes and SHE'S PANICKING over nothing!!! To top it off we had an earthquake today (we're in Socal) and She wen't KOO KOO..gOD DAMMIT she's lived here all her life 42 years this shouldn't be new!! How to I tell her politely to F Off!!




  1. I read your question.  Looks like you have a long sub-question which I didn't read cuz it doesn't matter.

    I am responding to your main 1-line question.

    Have you emailed/reported this problem to your manager?

    If your cubicle neighboor is just annoying, then perhaps your people skills need a little sharpening.

    But if your cubicle neighboor is inhibiting your work performance then you must report this to your manager.

  2. Tell your boss her negativity is starting to effect your performance.  Thats what bosses are for, you have to work with this person, stay out of it and let your boss do the talking.

  3. This is a management issue, not something for you to sort out.  If your cubicle neighbour spends her days whining like a sick dog and dragging down everyone around her, then you need to go to your line manager and discuss this.  Maybe they can move her or talk to her about these problems.

    I don't like to be unkind to people (and I'm sure you don't either) but if she's causing problems for you, something will have to be done.  Every day that she's next to you, your blood pressure will be going up and your productivity will be going down.

  4. Leave an anonymous note, or tell your boss about it- that'll get her moved or fired.

  5. tell her

      im sorry that you have your issues.

    go see a concellor or somthing.

    then just say im not someone that will help you .

                          get rid of her!!

  6. Tell her to take the drama to Hollywood!  You have to save your sanity and be up front with her.  Negativity breeds like cancer.  Believe it can be considered a "hostile environment," which could impact her job; not to mention, it is already impacting yours.  It doesn't hurt to mention your situation with your supervisor so it's on file.

    Sometimes telling a "complainer" you're sick of listening to their complaining is all it takes.  Post a sign that makes reference to: "Only positive attitudes allowed."  Head phones for music while you work (to drowned out the babble) would probably be helpful.

  7. Maybe start with I like you but you can be really negative about things and I just don't need that in my life.  If others are fed up with her, perhaps you guys should get together and talk to the boss about her.

  8. Tell her you're a positive person and would appreciate it if she were more positive around you. Oh, and tell her to see a shrink.

  9. Well you could tell her in a nice voice...Ex "Oh common, how can you feel sorry for yourself if you get everything that you want?" and she answers "Well not everything" can say..."Not everyone gets what they want".."You get about everything that you want" Well if sje doesn't stop complaining.. the only thing i can tell you is to not talk to her no more, or talk to her about it...which is the part that sucks in my opinion.....Hope this helps:)

  10. lol wow. try ignoring her. pretend shes not there. its rude sort of but it works. dont be afraid to tell people how u feel but dont blow up.politely tell her ur busy working and stressed out and its not her fault, ur going thru a rough time (lie about it). she'll feel sympathetic and stop cuz well she seems overly emotionall. lol.

    but wowwww. i would consult ur manager to move to a new cubicle cuz she wont let u work. lol. thats another way to get rid of her.

    hope it works out! and i feel soooo sorry for you. lol.

  11. maybe trying to say something like

    " sorry that your having trouble but im really busy/stressed/tired and just need to focus. could you maybe keep it down?

    hope this helps!!

  12. forget POLITE.

    you want firm, but not insulting.

    "I'm sorry, i have to work now."

    now matter what she says. Don't even look up.

    If you have to go to your boss, to ask for a different seating arrangement, you need not talk about the negativity. Just that she talks so much it has a negative impact on your productivity, and you want to give your job the attention it deserves.

  13. Whew!  I don't know how you haven't slapped her already!  All you can really do is tell her you are too busy to pay attention to her and then turn your back and start working.  I know it's hard to ignore that kind of "watch me" behaviour, but you may have to learn to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, so to speak.

  14. You could try telling her to be more positive about everything if you havent already.  Sounds very irritating.

  15. Try coming up with something super positively obnoxious and walk away every time she says something.  If you annoy her more than she annoys you, she will go away!


    you very calmly tell her to stop being such a dramatic, egoistic, self absorbed, useless, and waste of a human DNA!!!

  17. you could try leaving a little note on her desk or something. or if your allowed to bring some headphones and just wear those and put on some music.

  18. Simple, she wants to be a victim so don't let her be one. Snap back with something positive everything she complains. "Oh this weather is awful, it's been so hard driving to work" - "I don't know, seems like the rain is a good thing lately. We need it." She'll give up once she realized you aren't getting sucked into her pity party. People like her tend not to pick up on hints, but they do know who will listen and who won't give them the attention they want. Make all of her negatives a positive, maybe you'll effect her attitude in the long run too.

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