
Help! My dad hates me! How do i get him to forgive me?

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Okay so I kind of have a very strict dad. I don't live with him fully, only on the this is me and my boyfriend, and one of his friends took pics on my camera...we really didn't think anything of it..well I left my camera sitting out at my dads house and he looked through my pics, and now he was calling me a s**t and my step mom too! My mom doesn't really care but my dad took away everything that he gave me, and won't let me come over is one of the pics, How do I explain this, like besides we were kissing? Or how do I get him to like me? He just moved down here a couple months ago...I haven't really known him before then except a few cards here and there. Did I really mess this one up? I really just want to keep him in my life and I just want him to love me! I have tried saying sorry but he hung up the phone 3 times! What can I do to make him forgive me?




  1. so you have such little respect for yourself that you will allow yourself to be photographed by anyone.  start by having an actual conversation for your father.

  2. Write him a letter and tell him that he is being a big jerk and if he wanted a saint for a daughter he should have married an angel.  Then tell him that you want him to be a part of you life but if he won't accept you then it will be his loss.

  3. I can understand why your dad is upset.  You're all lying on a guy and kissing and he's got a bunch of hickies on his neck, so if you're willing to do all of that, of COURSE he's going to assume you're having s*x!  It'll take time, but he might get over it, he might not.  He needs to cool off and you have to earn his trust again.  No parent wants proof that their child makes stupid decisions.

  4. Honestly, I can see why your dad would be upset from the picture. (especially with all the kid's hickeys lol)

    But I think it's going WAY over the top to call you a s**t and tell you you aren't welcome at his home anymore. A parent should love you no matter what. If you dad is being this way, you may just have to be the bigger person and try to ask him why he's treating you the way he is and try to talk it out.

  5. What does he find so terrible about this photo?

    You are fully clothed and kissing a boy.

    Perhaps he still sees you as a little girl?

    You are not all the bad names he is calling you, so don't let him zap your confidence or demoralise you.

    If this is how he behaves after having hardly anything to do with you, then he is not worth calling Dad.

    He is supposed to be the mature adult here, and if he can't see that this photo is innocent, then there is something wrong.

    Write to him and explain, then if he doesn't get in touch then it is his loss not yours and sometime in the future he will regret it.

  6. He'll get over it.

    And I bet posting the picture here really isn't going to win you any points with your dad.  I'd edit this, and take the picture out ASAP if I were you.

  7. It seems as you are taking life for a joke.  Your father expects his daughter to act like a responsible young lady. Life is more than fun and games.  You were being careless and disgraceful with those pictures.  Show your father the other side of you and act like a queen instead of that other thing. -

  8. Instead of calling you names he should let you know how he feels and see if he can change your behavior, not disown you... You can apologize to him, and tell him you're not a s**t. Maybe you made a mistake?? lol.... Dad's especially don't want to see their little girls growing up. Maybe just give it a little time, and he'll realize he's being ridiculous.

  9. ummmmm

  10. GOOD FOR HIM! More parents should be like your father. There are too many horrible kids out there getting pregnant, and running wild. Why would you want to take pictures of a kiss, that should be something special not to show off. Next will be you naked then that will end up online should thank your father and live with him full time. I'm not saying you are a bad child or anything like that, I'm sure your sweet...I'm just worried that too many kids do silly things that they will regret later! Be safe and respect your elers. You look way to young to be on top of a boy! GO TO CHURCH!!!!!!

  11. Well that was rotten luck your dad finding out.You are going to have to gain his trust back the hard way.The problem is he's only doing this because he loves you and he's scared!You need to try to talk to him about it and explain to him that you wern't being a s**t.Sorry won't cut it for this sitatuation so you need to tell him you know that and you want to know what you can do to help the situaition.It was bad him calling you names and all and he should still allow you in the house.

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