
Help! My dad is the worst person alive! i cant take it anymore!?

by  |  earlier

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he gets up in my face and screams at me!!! he makes fun of my every insecurity! he hits me! he says he owns me!! he wount let my mom buy me clothes! he gets mad if i dont let other people in the bathroom when im dressing, showering or using the toilet! i cant take it anymore! i feels a deep and true hatred for him! is it wrong to completely hate my own father? how can i get him to stop? how can i get away from the abuse!?




  1. if he is abusing need to go to the police, or at least tell someone who can do something more effective about it. it is not wrong to hate your father if you have a valid reason..and it sounds like you do. the only real way for you to get him to stop is to get help from someone you trust or someone like the police. also, you could ask your mom to take you to a psychiatrist because everything you tell them is confidential. that is really the only answer if it's at this point. i'm so sorry you have come across this. people should never be treated that way.

    best wishes.

  2. Talk to a counselor about your situation since your Mom is doing nothing at all about the situation  No one has the right to abuse you mentally  physically verbally    You did not cause this and deserve more than this  You need someone who will love you unconditionally care for you treat you with respect and teach you You need a responsible adult in your life  Do you have  good grandparents or family members Your dad needs help He does not own you Seek help from a responsible adult

  3. You need to sit down with your school counselor and let them know what is going on.  You should not be getting hit, thats for sure.

  4. call your grandma and live with her

  5. oh! wow you have it worse then me!

    well my brother and sister does the same thing your dad does. and i know it hurts alot! and when people say call the cops on him!! u think what no way! like you would feel guilty and its gonna be kind of hard calling the cops! i mean its your dad

    like i dont know how old you are but im 14 and sometimes i wish i could get away! like a vacation of some sort!

    i mean there is nothing you can do! just stay away from him and be very quiet! and also get into something that make you stay out of the house and like sing or write or dance when your mad! thats what i do and it calms my nerves! and try to talk to your mom about letting you get clothes ! i mean its her decison!

    i mean im not getting any clothes cuz i dont have enough money!

    but i understand how you feel! i really wish the best of luck!

    and praying helps also!

  6. Talk to your Mom.  If she won't help you, seek help at school... a teacher or counselor.  You shouldn't hate your father.. it's not healthy for you.

    Good luck!

  7. I am not sure what to say about this honey...  there are avenues you can take and what about your mom does she every stand up for your???  Keep in mind though before you take thoughs avenues it could get worse of seperate your family...

  8. Omg i am so deeply sorry to hear this... im 16 and i thought i had it bad when my parents didnt let me go to a party. but maybe you should talk to a school counciler about this or something.. you could even call family child services, they will talk to him or kids help phone line! thats probably your best one.. you should be allowed to have provicy when using the washroom or changing.... and if he hits you please please call someone.. thats not right! i hope things start looking brighter for you.. keep smiling :)  

  9. well, i hear what you are saying and i do understand. i had the same kind of stuff happening when i was your age. i finally realized that i do love my mom i just hated what she was doing. is it possible to have a talk with your  mom ? sounds like your dad is having a ruff time in his life. maybe his job is not going well ,or they have money trouble something is going on that he does not let you in on,this could be because parents usually do not tell their kids about their problems. by no means does this excuse

    him hitting you, and yelling at you. ask your mom what it is that makes your dad so angry. if you have a few dollars got to the thrift store or goodwill and get a couple of new shirts.  and as for my mom she did have problems , she was very depressed and was drinking whiskey trying to medicate herself (no one knew this for a good while)

    so chances are - there is something else going on and you are the one he takes his anger out on. this is not right by any means. sorry i

    do not have a real answer for you. but maybe i have given you something to think about

  10. i know exactly how that feels my mom abuses me all the time and then she feels bad for herself and she getrs drunk which makes her madder at me and i get abusused more.... i hate my mom to.... its not wrong that u hate him at all.... how could he do that to u.... u should just ignore him or something like that!!!! best of luck to you.... o and

    please answer mine!?!?!;...

  11. You can't change him.  

    you have 2 options - call the police the next time he hits you, and he'll be charged with assault on a minor,

    or fing some other place to live with another relative or a friend's family.

    That's it.  Those are really your options.  He's not going to change.

    He probably has a mental illness.

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