
Help! My daughter got into trouble with a family that she babysits.?

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She took the kids swimming cause it was a hot day and she made sure that they stayed in the shallow end and that they didn't splash each other. The kids are super swimmers. She just got a call from the parents and is really worried because they told her off and she is babysitting again tonight. What should I do?




  1. Why did they tell her off? There has to be a reason behind their disappointment. And if she is that hurt by it, then maybe she shouldn't babysit for them anymore.

  2. If she did something that terrible, why would they want her to babysit for them again?  I wouldn't worry about it...

  3. She should not have taken them swimming without permission.  There should be a clear understanding about what is allowed and what is "forbidden"  actually anything that is not allowed should be asked about if she plans to do it.

    If she really wants to baby sit for them again and if they were satisfied with her performance prior to this then she might appologize and maybe both of you could "let it go" but if they do not want her back then they should have told you clearly..

    Good luck and let this be a valuable learning experience for every one.

  4. Let her go babysit. They may have been upset with her for that, but they must still trust her with the kids or she would not be  babysitting for them.

  5. I am assuming that they "told her off" because they didn't want her to take the kids swimming.  Some parents don't trust teenagers to watch their children in the pool, and with good reason - even good swimmers can drown, and yes, people can even drown in the shallow end.  I am sure your daughter did her best to keep them safe, but if the parents didn't want her to take them in the pool, it's absolutely within their right to tell her so.  

    My guess is that your daughter FEELS like she was "told off," because that's how teenagers react to adults telling them something that they don't want to hear - but mature adults rarely "tell someone off".  These parents might have been upset on the phone, but if they are having her back to babysit again, it would appear that this relationship can be saved.  

    YOU should not do anything.  It's not your place to intervene at this time.  Your daughter should prove her maturity by saying something like "I am so sorry I didn't ask you if it was OK to take your kids in the pool.  Please understand that I would never do anything that would intentionally put them in harm's way."  And that's it.  She shouldn't make a big deal of it, and she should accept that the parents might struggle to trust her in the future.  If she doesn't like it, she should not sit for them anymore.

  6. Depending on how old your daughter is the two of you should meet with the parents BEFORE she babysits for this family again.  There are two reasons for this: the first is to clarify their expectations.  The second is to clarify yours/ hers.

    What can she do with the children anytime. What can only be done with specific permission. What will they never allow.  Should she be feeding/napping them? What when and how? How about dicipline? What when why and How?

    Then clarify the expectations of BOTH your daughter and YOU! What are then hours? How and when will she be paid? How much notice for a cancellation? And most importantly...  That She Will Be Treated With RESPECT!   Unless a child is hurt or the house burns down she must be treated with dignity and respect. If they can not speak in a calm voice, they should be speaking with her parent.

    If they can not meet with the two of you or refuse to abide by this she should NOT babysit for them at all. She deserves to be treated with repect. You deserve to feel confident that your child is working for a reasonable human being.

    And if she's good she can find other babysitting jobs!

  7. why did she get in trouble she realy dident do anything wrong

  8. she needs to avoid this family if there is a problem -she's just a child and you have a right to protect her.

  9. Don't let her go anywhere near them again. How dare they tell her off for being irresponsible but still allow her to sit their kids?

    If something actually does go wrong they will blame your daughter and she could end up in real trouble. We all know how easy it is for kids to hurt themselves and you don't want your daughter carrying the can for these parents.

    If they had not wanted their children swimming they should have said so. Leaving a young babysitter with incomplete instructions and no clear guidelines is unforgivable.

    Find her a more responsible and understanding family to work for. And let these people suffer the consequences of their actions by losing a baby sitter t short notice. Perhaps they will treat the next one a little better.

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