
Help. My ex husband has stolen my identity and I can't prove it!!!

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I recently found out that my exhusband stoled my identity with alot of online payday loans. I have a some legal department calling meat work for me to $520 or they will start legal proceedings. It is hard for me to undrestand what they are saying for they have a very thick accent. I have found out that my ex-husband has obtain 10 online payday loans and now they are after me. I can't prove it. I was advised to enroll in a debt collection agency recently and they are starting the ball. I am worried about this one company that is calling me all the time at work and now they are yelling at my co-workers and threatening them. The debt collection agency said that they can not sue me for they have no legal ground due to it being an online loan. But they kep harassing me. I am trying to start my life over with my daughter and I really don't need a lawsuit. My question is can they really sue me??? Please help.




  1. Sadly, identity theft within families is common.

    You have rights under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, and you should learn them. You can stop the harrassment, and you can get your life back. What you describe is clearly illegal. No one should have to go through what you're going through.

    I'm the editor of a Web site that helps consumers with credit issues. One of our reporters (a Pulitzer Prize winner, btw) recently did a series about debt collection practices today, and you should read it. Don't worry, no one will try to sell you anything. Just read it.

    The main story is here:

    Make sure to look  the "get off my back debt collector" sample letters, too:

  2. first thing I would do is next time they call tell them if they contact you by any other means than post, you'll sue them for harassment! It's the law and they know it, ask to talk to a supervisor that usually gets there attention,

  3. They are going to have to prove it was you who took out the loans. They'll have to show your signature on the paperwork.   If they cannot, then you won't be responsible for them.

  4. Oh man...your ex is heartless. In any event you need to send the creditors a cease and dessist letter that they can no longer contact you by phone (home or work). They have 10 bus. days to get it together.

    As for the loans, there has to be a signature somewhere. Even if your ex initiated the loan on line, when he collected the funds he must have had to sign. How could he (a man I pressume) sign with a woman's name. I take it they didn't ask for ID either? In all likelyhood the funds were sent to a bank account.....that's soooooooo easy to prove it was him. And if you really want to get technical they can verify the IP address from the computer used during the loan application.

    Contact the credit bureaus ASAP add a fraud alert to your file, to prevent future applications and also ask them for debt validations of the loans. You're gonna need to retain a lawyer.....see if you can get a volunteer or pro bono.

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