
Help!! My family is phycotic! Please read

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Help!! My brother is a little *****. He is 11 years old and today i was babysitting him. He is a mama's boy and he's an angle when my mom is around and a wise when shes not. Today my mother called and the phone was upstairs so i asked him if he knew where the phone was and he was laying like a fatty on the couch and said No! I don't feel like getting it. I am was being perfectly nice and i go and get the phone and call my mom because she had called earlier and for no reason he runs and gets the other phone and turns it on while i was talking on the phone and starts pressing all the buttons over and over. I was like wtf?? My mom had a heart attack and thought it was the alarm so she started yelling and then i told her it was all my brother so she got mad and said that when she got home he would be grounded. I got off the phone and went to go grab the other phone from my brother and i asked nicely if i could have it so i could go put it back and he goes no im playing with it. I'm like its a phone its not a toy give it to me ( meanwhile the whole time he was pressing all the buttons and breaking the phone, and we wouldn't be able to recieve calls because he was pressing the talk button too.) I am like what are you doing?! So i go and unplug the phone so only the other phone works but he is still breaking the unplugged one and i didn't know what to do because he just randomly decided to be an a***e for no reason i wasn't even doing anything! I went over to him and grabbed the phone out of his hands so he doesn't break the phone and he gets up and starts getting really physical with me and i was not going to let myself get hit so i got him in a chokehold and pinned him to the floor. All that while I am thinking what the h**l why is he being such a jerk? I called both my parents to let them know that when they come home the phone wil be broken because of my brother and each time they tell me to say that he has lost something and when i told him he says i don't care. So i gave up and went into another room and stopped giving him the angry attention he wanted but he is was continuing to break the phone. You don't understand how frusturating he was! I still don't understand why he decided to start all of that either. My mother finally got home and right when my brother heard the garage door he gets up and puts the phone away, plugs it back in, gets a piece of cake, and goes and sits in a different room petting the dog while i'm frusturated and crying in the other room because he is making himself look like an angel. My mom opened the door and started talking to him and didn't even ground him! He started blaming things on me and I am like WHAT!! But i flipped a lid and i guess my yelling and crying persuaded my mom rather than my brothers smirk and she believed me. She did not take anything away from him and all i could do was yell about how much i hate him and how he was manipulating my mom and how he lies to her and puts on a show. My mom was like you know what, your brother is acting better than you and i am like well that is because he wasn't the one having to deal with this!! So i looked like the crazy one all because my bratty brother and now they left and i am sitting here like what just happened. I need some advice on how to deal with my brother, i want to get him back...badly and i would really appreciate some help on the situation, he is just too hard to deal with. Any advice on how to stop letting him manipulate my mom and show her what a real b*****d he is. Thank you so much! xxo

So sory this is so long thank you for reading it.




  1. I feel your pain! But, it's double!!!! I have 2 step-sisters that are so much like your brother, I want to scream! Here's what you do. Just ignore them let them go off and do his own thing. And sooner or later they'll realize what a brat he really is!!

    I wish you soooo much luck!!! ♥

    If you ever want to talk about it e-mail me!!  

  2. Wow. That's why I hate little kids.

    Catch him on a camera or your cell and show it to your mom later. Don't let him catch you, though. Then, she might believe you.

    Sorry you have to deal with such a little brat.

    Haha. Good Luck.

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