
Help!! My fish are dying!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Last night when I came home from work, all my fish in my 29 gallon tank were doing fine. I turned off their light and went to bed and got up to get a drink and noticed a few of my fish were laying dead at the bottom of the tank ( one balloon belly molly, one silver sailfin molly, and one creamcicle molly). I then saw a few more fish sinking to the bottom of the tank and put in some Quick Cure (it was all I had at 3:00a.m.). In the morning, 4 more fish were dead ( balloon belly molly, 2 creamcicle mollies, and a blue platy). I am working today but, what should I do when I get home? I am planning on doing a water change and adding more quick cure. Anything else?




  1. keep their light on and renew the water

    also take the dead fish out

  2. try not to add so much unnatural c**p to the water and try to house one single fish first

  3. It might have been the cat........................................

  4. When you change the water, don't use normal tap water. It may be expensive, but fill the tank with only purified water, and add about two cups of the old fish water. For some odd reason, this always works with my fish.  

  5. Try coppersafe!! It works wonders!!

  6. We only use distilled water, RO, or charcoal de-chlorinated water.

    Chlorine and Chloramines are nasty, and so called "de-chlorinators" do NOT remove Chloramines, only charcoal can. The cloudy water is usually fallout from some chemical reaction, not removal of said Chlorine.

    Chlorine from tap water or municipal treated water can dissipate over 24 hours in an open container, but not Chloramine. Don't believe the hype!

    Use distilled water, and check your amonia nitrite and nitrate levels, if your tank is new and has never been cycled to build up "good bacteria", which consume the ammonia nitrites. Use room temp water too, so you don't shock your remaining fish. Check your pH too!

    Sorry to hear about your mollies. :( Something is off and toxic and you need to get it back in check.

    Good luck!

  7. did you check you filter.............idk

  8. Woah...I dunno.  Your plan sounds good.  I'd just do a water change, but be careful not to add too much quick cure.  

  9. fish don't last forever sweetie

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