
Help! My gerbil is sick!!?

by  |  earlier

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So, he's been having a bloody nose lately (which I thought could just be his mucous?) but it hasn't been going away like it usually had before. Now it's either scabs or dried mucous, but I personally think it's Blood...

He has really long claws right now. Maybe he is scratching himself? o_o

His eyes are kind of puffy and he seems really chubby because he's not running on his wheel anymore.

He seems to be eating and drinking fine...

Their cage is clean and they have tons of fun stuff right now... It doesn't smell bad, so that's good. Haha...

I use Aspen bedding.

We called the Vet, and the secretary said she had no idea and stuff, and that it'd be $50.00 for just a check-up.. >_> That's a lot of money... So, I was gonna call after hours, so I can talk to the vet myself.

So, I was wondering if anyone has had the same thing happen and what I could do to help without unnecessary bills.




  1. get another gerbil

  2. Common injuries are caused by gerbils being dropped or falling, usually while inside of an "exercise ball", which can cause broken limbs or a fractured spine, for which there is no cure. Injured gerbils should be immediately examined by a veterinarian to determine the best course of action in each situation, but if it's a bloody nose - he probably hit his nose on an object or got in a fight with another

    Gerbils can also have tumors and seirzures, but i doubt that's the cause of a bloody nose.

  3. no, but you should talk to the vet, not the secretary. and i do agree, that is alot of money

  4. Well you need to take it to the vet cause when you get a pet they are relying on u for survival. And that is a commitment you have to make even b4 you get a pet so if you cant keep the commitment maybe you should give it to someone who will take care of it. If you really care about your animal then it wouldn't be unnecessary.

  5. Gerbeils dont live long i think his time has come sorry.

  6. I'm not sure, but maybe he could be scratching himself.

    To get rid of his sharp claws, get a brick (only a brick will work, do NOT use sand paper and tape it down to something because there's a good chance that he'll chew on it and eat it!!) and place his food dish on it, so every time he goes up to eat, he drags his claws on the brick and it will wear them down to just the right size. You can leave it like that because every time they get too long it'll trim them down. :)! This really works, I used it for my mice.

  7. OH MY!!!  feed it lots of sugar and spray perfume on it every day!

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