
Help! My gran is starting bee-keeping in her garden and I have a huge phobia of bees?

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Help! My gran is starting bee-keeping in her garden and I have a huge phobia of bees?




  1. am a biologist and i am fine with all kinds of animals. am not afraid of any of them exept bees and anything that looks likea bee. i have the same phobia as you have, the reason i have this phobia is that i was stung by 6 wasps at the same time when i was 6 and tried totouch their nest,since then i am afraid of anything that has black and yellow stripes and fly. try to read about bees then you will find out they r amazing animals.i still dont like wasps but i am begining to like bees after i did some reserch on them. and keep in mind that the bees in a beehive dont go around the garden where their hive is but instead they fly upwards to a height of about 20 m and then fly away (maybe 10km)to find food and then come will not see alot of them unless u  r at a 5m radius from their hive

  2. Honey Bees are great.  Good for your Grandmother.

    They will not bother you, unless you bother them.  I have photographed bees and been only two feet from their hive with no protective clothing and did NOT get stung.  If you walk slowly when near them and do not wave your arms and run about they will leave you alone.  

    If you wear bright colored cloths and perfume, a bee may come near to investigate because it thinks you are a flower, but as soon as it realizes you are not, it will fly away.

  3. Good.  Now you will have a chance to learn that bees are only to be feared by those who have a reaction to their sting, (anaphylactic).  Read up on bees before you visit your gran and then let her teach you how to care for them.  The honey is worth it.

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