
Help!! My hand is swollen from an insect sort of bite is this bad??

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Well today in the morning when i woke up, I went to the bathroom to brush and everything then i noticed my right hand was swollen and it was really red so i'm thinking it's some sort of insect bite maybe a spider i'm not sure but should i get medical attention?




  1. If it continues to get worse, try an antihistamine.  Our daughter has this kind of reaction, and Claratyne (taken orally, and available in Australia) starts to make a difference inside 20 minutes.

    If you're concerned it's something serious, than put a compression bandage around your right forearm, that's first aid for venemous bites.  If it continues to get worse after taking the antihistamine, then might be worth seeing a doctor.

    If you're feeling definite affects of this in other parts of your body, then I'd suggest you call an ambulance (though I'm not an expert).

    It's probably nothing serious, just some bug bit you during the night, maybe when you rolled on top of it.  ;-)

  2. if it's swollen it is a sign that your body is having a reaction to the "bite".

    if it doesn't get worse you should be fine, but if it gets worse or doesn't go back to normal in about 6 hours you should go and see a doctor. - try putting your hand in quite hot water, it could draw out the poison, - depending on what bit you.

    good luck, i hope it turns out ok! x  

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