
Help! My house is infested with fleas and possibly sand fleas!

by  |  earlier

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Help! I have 4 cats and our house is infested with fleas and some mysterious black flea-like bug. They are really tiny and many attack you as soon your foot hits the carpet. When they bite, it hurts pretty bad but dosen't leave a mark. They will even attack you on hard wood floors. We think they may be sand fleas but we live in Ohio and are nowhere near water. We fogged our house even more than what was recommended and it didn't help. It seems to have made it worse. Can anyone tell me what these may be and how to get rid of them, perferablly naturally, if not, ok? ASAP? We just want them gone from our house!




  1. Take your cats in to the vet to be treated professionally.  You will also need to have an exterminator come to your home and treat it.  Sounds like you are under "attack" and perhaps this is not the time for natural remedies.

    Good Luck!

  2. 1.  treat your cats with something good like Frontline.  

    2.  Vacuum, clean, mop every inch of your house as often as you can handle.  (floors, carpet, furniture, etc).  Try putting a cut  up flea collar in the vacuum to help kill the little nasties that make it in there.

    3.  comb your cats with a flea comb at least once a day.

    4.  repeat, repeat, repeat.

    5.  Consider calling in a professional exterminator.  They can sell you or apply a special spray that in effect is a birth control for the fleas.  It was about $50 for the can.

    This is NOT going to be an easy.  Think of it as many many little battles needed to win the war.

    Next year be sure to treat your cats with Frontline (or something similar) before the flea season starts and don't stop until the flea season is over.  Yes, this will be expensive with 4 cats but it is so worth it.

  3. i am in the middle of a flea war right now. i am winning, slowly, room by room.

    i love the natural flea remedies, but they will not work on an infestation. there are about 1 million fleas having about 100 million flea babies every ten days in your house, you must kill them, quickly, and keep killing them for several months.

    there is no easy way to do this, there are no shortcuts.

    i have tried them all.

    first, if it jumps, straight up. if it jumps on your bare foot while walking, if your cats wont sit still on the floor, if your cats have little bugs crawling all over their face, and neck, they are fleas.

    treat cats with front line, every month until winter, then again in the spring until next winter. if you dont have a winter, treat for 12 months.

    shampoo the rugs. if they are not wall to wall, wash floor with a strong cleaner, like **** and span.

    wash all other floors with the **** and span. ALL floors. they live in hardwood and linoleum too.

    vacumm all other surfaces. furniture, etc.

    put vacumm bag in a garbage bag, bring outside to the trash.

    you have to strip the room bare, or a least strip half of it, so you can move the other half over and do half the room at a time.

    use "siphotrol plus premise spray" on everything within one foot of the floor. cover all floors, carpets, furniture, walls with a thick spray. you want to see the floor get wet. (spray is heavy, only takes a second. remove everything that is alive or can be eaten or eaten out of from room. cats, people, food, dishes)

    every two weeks, for one year, or until winter, then again in the spring. spray the rooms again. you dont need to move anything this time. just spray the floor areas and furniture.

    vacuum everything first.

    spray lawn near house with "siphotrol yard spray". you should only need to do that once. the fleas jump on your cloths and hitch a ride inside.

    i have only seen siphotrol available online. treats 2000 SQ feet. measure house, then multiply by how ever many times you will be spraying the whole house. yes, you will need a lot.

    doing the whole house at once is best, but i am doing one room at a time and the rooms i have conquered have not been re infested.

    edit - LOL! yahoo "*" the name of a cleaning product!. oh no, i must be a racist. im going to get a violation notice. better throw this stuff out of my closet and go for race sensitivity training.

    since i cant say it, i will link to it. so you know which product i am talking about.


  4. The first step is to identify the bugs. They sound like fleas or lice maybe.  Then clean out all the cabinets and closets of anything remotely food stuff.  Check it all to see if that is where they are coming from. Then spray the yard with an insecticide approved for these little demons. Then dip all the animals and at this point take yourselves and pets out of the house and set insect "bombs" around the house after you take all the cushions and pillows off the couches and chairs. Tip the couches and everything else that will tip against a wall so that the vapor goes easily underneath them.  

    Or you can call a professional bug man to come do all this for you

  5. Oh no!  Find the source!  I remember leaving something like an old bag of dog food in the back of a cabinet and it was infested like crazy with these tiny black bugs.  Take out all of your food and clean like crazy!

    Also, 4 cats could be the problem...take them to the vet to get checked out.

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