
Help! My mom is making me sit in the back seat of the car with my car sick cousin. The last time i sat with ?

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him in the car he puked all over me. Ca u make up a story to concise my mom to not let me sit in the back with him. She wants me to sit in the back with him so he wont be lonely back there. It is me my cousin my dad and my and my mom and 1 sister. Can u make a story of effect if i sit in the back seat with my carsick cousin. PS: I am showing this to my mom. So she could change her mind.




  1. u r crazy. just sit there i dont think your cusin will puk on you twice. and if he/she dose then you my friend have bad luck.

  2. I will here,

    You can put a rain coat on, here is the excuse:

    "Mom, My stomach feels bad, and i don't want to be shoved or pushed, can i please sit in the front."

    or this:

    " Mom, i feel like i am way too hot and crowded in here, can i please sit in the front."

    Hope this helps,

    GO LAkers Celtics Suck!!

  3. Oooh, I had a situation like that. My dad made me sit next to my sick brother and he threw up on my six times, and then my dad grounded me (??) and then I fainted.

    Tell her you have PMS.

    Tell her you don't feel great either and want to stay home.

  4. tell her you got PMS and your gonna beat him up.

  5. I don't think your cousin wants to throw up from being car sick any more than you want to be thrown up on.  How about being less selfish and more proactive about helping him.  Ask your mom to get him some Dramamine so he won't get sick.  And have plastic tubs of some sort he can throw up in that you all can just dump into a trash can at the gas station.  Also talk about bringing a change of clothes for yourself, and your cousin just in case.  Maybe some baby wipes too.

  6. Just do it, you never know when you will need some help and don't be a baby, life is like a box of chocolates...

  7. Hi, mom! How about a little preventive medicine? If you have to take the 'vominator' someplace with or without anyone else in the car, make sure he has had some dramamine or something similar before you start. In addition, look at some homeopathic (non-medicinal) remedies available in most drug stores. Of course, a quantity of suitable plastic bags should be readily available for the victim. As adults, we are responsible for the young-uns and this is not something that should be pawned off on another child. Unless, of course, there is some compensation or motivation for the assisting child. Sharing the assisting duties would go a long way to maintaining harmony in the back seat.

    All the best.

  8. Wear a rain coat and carry a plastic bag. Maybe have an ultra full stomach. 2 pukers would probably help your parents rethink seating arrangements.  

  9. talk to her she will understand or open a window and sit the oppisite end hope i can help  

  10. If this is the worst thing you have to deal with in your life, you're good to go....Deal with it and had her a bag and move on...

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