
Help! My mother doesn't understand me!?

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Me and my mother argue ALL the time! She does not want to listen to a word I say. We always fuss and fight and argue about ANYTHING!! For example, this morning, I told my mom I was scared about starting high school. She was like the we'll just homeschool you! It pisses me off because its like she doesn't care at all! Please no mean sayings or comments. Just give me some advice on how to build a better relationship with my mom and how to deal with her.




  1. Try talking to her about it. I had a similar problem with my mom, and eventually, I just had to grab her and yell 'Listen to me!' Sometimes you gotta be loud and harsh to get your point across.

  2. i think u shud talk with her about it, that happened with me and my mom, but then i felt i shud talk to her, and it really helped!! maybe ur mom is going thru sumthing that's hard,

    tell her how u feel, and if she reacts back harshly, try writing a little note to her, and give it to her before u go to skool, it'll give her time to think about wat she's done and hopefully will apologize!!

  3. She is one of the few humans that really care about you -- learning to respect each other takes time.

  4. There's a simple answer.

    Don't fight with her.

    When she says comments like she did this morning, tell her that it bothers you and makes you feel like she doesn't care at all. Say it in a nice tone, because you can't expect respect if you don't give it.

    If that starts and argument, CALMLY tell her that you didn't mean to start and argument, and maybe even apologize.

    I'm 15 years old and used to argue with her all the time, but if you just communicate to her what's bothering you, she'll know better next time around.

    You can't expect her to be perfect.

    And she certainly does care about you.

    I know you most likely regard her as the Devil, but she's not.

    Just show her a little respect.

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